Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
2019 Seminarians priest ordination june 2018 seminarians semmler thomas vocations officePlease mark your calendar for the evening of Saturday, June 8.  Our annual seminarian fundraiser will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall.  This will be a gala evening with entertainment ande special guests.  Donations for the Seminarian Fund will be collected at the dinner, but can also be given at anytime before the event.  If you are unable to attend the event but would like to make a donation, you can mail your check to Murray Claassen, 36 Excelso Way, HSV, 71909.  Please make your check payable to the "Knights of Columbus" and enter "Seminarian Education" on the memo line.
chicken creamedSacred Heart Men's Club and Parish Life will serve and sponser the annual Holy Thursday "Feast Before the Fast" on Thursday, April 18, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall.  The Mass of the Lord's Supper will follow at 6:30 p.m.  Chef Johnna will deliciously prepare the following menu:  dinner salad, Grilled Chicken and Rosemary Lemon Butter Sauce, Creamy Rice Pilaf, green bean bundles and a dinner roll.  For dessert we will enjoy Father Bill's ice cream.  Please sign-up in the narthex this or next weekend;  it is very important that we gather an accurate number of attendees by April 14.  Call Parish Life at 501-922-2062, extension 17.
Singles FellowshipBe sure to check the SINGLES book in the narthex!  May 9, we'll have a Potluck Dinner in the Lower Hall, so start signing-up to bring your favorite foods to share!
cold and flu seasonDoctors with the Arkansas Department of Health say this year's flu season is a lot milder than last year, but it's not over yet.  These doctors say getting the flu shot is still your best line of defense.  This year, the shot is 47 percent effective in preventing the illness, and for others, can lessen the severity and length of the illness.  Other ways we can protect ourselves:  stay home when sick!  It is recommended that those with a fever and respiratory symptoms stay home until 24 hours after their fever ends (100 degrees or lower).  Not everyone with the flu will have a fever.  Other symptoms could include a runny nose, body aches, headache, tiredness, diarrhea, or vomiting.

It may be appropriate to refrain from taking of the cup of wine or sharing in the Sign of Peace with the usual handshake during Mass.
casalogo08"But I will show you a more excellent way."  (1 Corinthians 13:1)

Love never fails.  It is so much more than a mere emotion.  Love opens our hearts (and our lives) and allows us to selflessly consider others ahead of our own needs, wants and desires.  The Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal is a way for each of us to share in God's incredible love for the world by giving your financial support to others that need it so much more.  Become a supporter today.  Return your Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal envelope.
Rice BowlWe are nearing the end of Lent and our almsgiving to God's poor can be realized by returning our Rice Bowls with cash or a check (made out to Sacred Heart Church with memo:  Operation Rice Bowl) on April 18, before Mass or anytime the first week or two of Easter.  Catholic Relief Services thanks you for your participation to help the poor throughout the world.
3rd Degree KofC LogoOur May Membership Meeting will be held in the Lower Hall on Tuesday, May 7.  The meeting will begin at 5:00 p.m. with the rosary, followed by a social, dinner and then our meeting.  The evenings meal will be Chicken Fried Steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and tropical fruit mix.

Please transmit an e-mail reservation message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or phone Art at 915-8021 by Monday, May 6.
2019 Steve AngrisanoSacred Heart of Jesus invites you to be spiritually uplifted by one of the most effective and versatile ministry leaders, Steve Angrisano.  He will be our powerful guest speaker, our charming storyteller, and our charismatic musician during our upcoming Mission, April 28, 29 and 30, starting at 7:00 p.m.  An informal reception will conclude this event.

The artist will sell CDs and other products at the event, and there will be a free-will offering.  Parish Life is looking for volunteers to assist in selling Steve's products during the Mission and assistance at the closing reception.  Please contat Cathy Silk at 501-922-2062, extension 17, or transmit an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to volunteer.
Lost and FoundSeveral items from both the Chapel and from other areas of the church are in "Lost and Found" baskets.  These items can be found on the tables in the A/E hallway.  Please come by and look to see if any of the items are yours.  Other-wise, these hats, sunglasses, sweaters, scarves, gloves rosaries, etc. will be donated to a local charity.
Bowling FriendsThe parish Summer Bowling League will be starting on Thursdays in mid-May.  The Bowling Committee would like to gather an idea on when would be the most favorable time to bowl.  Would this time in the afternoon about 2:00 p.m. OR in the evening at about 6:00 p.m.?  The time which is best for the majority will be the best for this 13-week fun-filled SHJ Summer Bowling League.  Please let your opinion be heard!  Surveys, along with sign-ups, is available in the narthex.  Please note preferene in time of play and if your interest is as a "regular" bowler or as a "substitute" bowler.  All levels of bowling ability invited to play.  The League will be played at Fiesta Bowling, 3817 North Highway 7.
Save the dateThe 2019 Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Taste of Faith Dinner is scheduled for the evening of June 8, 2019.  Proceeds and donations from this event support the seminarians in our diocese.  Please put this event on your calendar now.  You don't want to miss it!
helpinghandsThe Annual Helping Hands Appreciation Dinner and Annual Meeting will be held in the Lower Hall on Thursday, May 2, 2019.  We will meet at 5:00 p.m.  Dinner, catered by Home Plate, will be served promptly at 5:30 p.m.

This dinner invitation is extended to ALL Helping Hands volunteers and their spouses and guests.  A special invitation is extended to any parishioners who are interested in becoming part of this rewarding ministry.  Helping Hands volunteers provide transportation to Mass, medical appointments and treatments, assist with errands and escort shopping, provide respite care for family caregivers, phone those on the bulletin Prayer List and send Sunshine Cards to them on a regular basis.  Helping Hands volunteers also visit the homebound and those in residence at Good Samaritan Campus, Mount Carmel Community and Village Springs Health and Rehabilitation.  We invite YOU to join us in caring for each other and extending a helping hand to those in need!

SIGN-UP SHEETS are in the narthex, and we must have an accurate count NO LATER THAN THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2019.  If you have questions, call Cathy Wedwick at 915-8456 and Pat Widlowski at 922-1395.  We want to celebrate all the good things that you do to assist our parishioners who request help, even if that is simply being willing to wait for the call.  PLEASE COME!
formed logo semiboldDo you sometimes wish for help in understanding what you have read in the Bible?  "Journey through Scripture" is the St. Paul Center dynamic Bible study program designed to help Catholics grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures while deepening their understanding of the riches of our faith.  You can find it at  Also, among the presentations offered is "The Bible and the Virgin Mary," a twelve-part video series that beautifully explains the Catholic truths about Our Lady, showing how she has been a part of God's plan to bring salvation to the world since the beginning of time.  Please check with for many enriching experiences.
Divine MercyGiven the fact that we are having a Mission which starts Sunday evening, April 28, at 7:00 p.m., we not be having a Divine Mercy Holy Hour this year.  Father BIll will offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation from 7:15-7:45 a.m. and 10:15-10:45 a.m. tht day.

We will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for the Novena this week after the daily Masses and on the weekend 15 minutes before each Mass.
reconciliationThe Sacred Heart Lenten Reconciliation Service with priests available for individual reception of the Sacrament will take place on Tuesday, April 9, at 6:00 p.m.  (Please note that the two Catholic Churches in Hot Springs will offer the same opportunity at a combined service at St. John's at 589 West Grand on Thursday, April 11, at 6:00 p.m.)

Please be reconciled with God and His Church and receive the graces that flow from God's mercy.
Annointing of the SickThe quarterly Anointing of the Sick will be offered at the FIrst Friday Mass this Friday, April 5, at the 9:00 a.m. Mass.  Those with chronic or serious illnesses of mind, body and /or spirit, as well as those elderly whose health is compromised due to age, are eligible to receive the healing, comforting touch of the Lord in and through this Sacrament.