Pastoral Council
Representing | Name | Phone | E-mail Address |
Clergy | Fr. Bill Elser Dc. Larry Lipsmeyer |
501-209-2502 501-922-3283 | |
Education | Lou Ann Kemper | 469-323-2505 | |
Finance | David Witchger | 501-922-9058 | |
Liturgy | Sandy Darnell-Chair Marian LaVelle |
602-418-3414 501-209-2435 | |
Parish Life Elected |
Becky Jordan Mark Leslie |
901-605-0333 501-226-0074 | |
Social Justice & Charitable Outreach |
Marge Newburn-Chair Pietro Tomassi |
501-922-9047 501-282-4427 | |
Finance & Administration Council
Representing | Name | Phone |
Pastor | Fr. Bill Elser | 501-209-2502 |
Pastoral Council Liaison | Sandy Darnell | 602-418-3413 |
Administration | Carolyn Bowers | 501-915-8022 |
Building Plant Complex & Equip. |
Pat Kalisz | 630-926-6637 |
Cemetery/Columbarium | Bill Patterson Larry Lipsmeyer |
501-922-6965 501-922-3283 |
Collection Counters | Mike Kerwin | 501-922-1531 |
Finance | Larry Stein | 501-226-5105 |
Grounds | David Witchger - Chair | 501-922-9058 |
Stewardship Affairs | Bob Honzik Murray Claassen |
501-922-2702 501-908-4346 |
Systems/Communications | Vacant |
Liturgy Committee
Representing | Name | Phone |
Pastor | Fr. Bill Elser | 501-209-2502 |
Pastoral Council Liasons | Sandy Darnell Marian LaVelle |
602-418-3414 501-209-2435 |
Chairperson | Cathy Raney | 832-721-5326 |
Liturgical Environment | Sandy Darnell | 602-418-3414 |
Extraordinary Ministers | Michele Lukasavige | 636-448-3228 |
E.M. Administrator | Cathy Raney | 832-721-5326 |
E.M. Homebound | Rose Farrell | 860-208-9813 |
Gift Bearers | Marian LaVelle | 501-209-2435 |
Funeral Ministry | Chris Frantz | 501-922-5877 |
Lectors | Debbie Doughty |
414-313-0415 |
Member-at-Larage | Betty Mierzwiak | 501-922-3374 |
MSP | Cathy Raney | 832-721-5326 |
Music | Kathleen Kinney - Sunday/Resurr. Choir/Cantors Diane Patterson - Saturday Choir |
501-282-5404 501-922-6965 |
Sacristans | Mark Lukasavige | 314-443-9257 |
Servers | Al Hanschmann | 501-226-7842 |
Ushers | Bob Honzik | 501-922-2702 |
Recorder | Marian LaVelle | 501-209-2435 |
Social Justice and Charitable Outreach Committee
Representing | Name | Phone |
Pastor | Fr. Bill Elser | 501-209-2502 |
Pastoral Council Liasons | Barbara Potter Pietro Tomassi |
501-762-3103 501-282-4427 |
Disaster Response | Gary Wolfer | 501-204-1192 |
Family Assistance | Priscilla O'Maley | 214-695-0575 |
Habitat for Humanity-Garland Cty. | David Witchger | 501-922-9058 |
Helping Hands | Cathy Wedwick Pat Widlowski |
501-915-8456 501-922-1395 |
Prayer Warriors | Marvin Young | 501-915-8028 |
Prision Ministry | Pietro Tomassi | 501-282-4427 |
Respect Life |
Rebecca Huber, Co-Chair Barb Potter, Co-Chair |
501-844-7656 501-762-3103 |
Rosary Makers | Marge Newburn | 501-922-9047 |
Shawl Ministry | Dee Kapple | 501-915-9331 |
Village Outreach | Ed Keearns | 501-922-3832 |
Recording Secretary | Cindy Calhoun | 501-984-0081 |
Education Committee
Representing | Name | Phone |
Pastor | Fr. Bill Elser |
501-209-2502 |
Chairperson | Deb Troxel | 515-314-6955 |
Elected Rep. | Lou Ann Kemper Deb Troxel |
469-323-2505 515-240-6729 |
Adult Formation | ||
Adult Scripture Study | ||
Perpetual Adoration Coordinator |
Mike Ritch | 832-231-7469 |
Faith Formation - Youth | Lou Ann Kemper | 469-323-2505 |
Recording Secretary | Cindy Calhoun | 501-984-0081 |
Bereavement Support | Dc. Gary Christoff | 573-645-6814 |
Parish Life Committee
Representing | Name | Phone |
Pastor | Fr. Bill Elser | 501-209-2502 |
Pastoral Council Liasons | Becky Jordan Mark Leslie |
501-922-4609 201-226-0074 |
Communications: Website |
Gina Biondillo Patti Sheppard |
501-922-2062, ext 10 501-922-1881 |
Faith & Health Ministry | Maureen Halloren | 228-342-0491 |
Hand & Foot Club | Need Volunteer | |
KofC-Third Degree | John Weidert | 501-915-0719 |
KofC-Fourth Degree | Pat McGannon | 281-785-5073 |
Ladies of the Sacred Heart | Debbie Garrett | 512-587-2481 |
Men's Club | Dave Banaszynski | 414-332-5999 |
Newcomers Welcoming Committee | Debbie Garrett | 512-587-2481 |
Sacred Heart Singles | Debbie Doughty | 414-313-0415 |
Sociable Six | Nancy & Howard Emery | 815-861-0820 |
Dishwashers | Jeff Wright | 619-654-4096 |
Recording Secretary | Debbie Bell | 901-283-2223 |