Online Giving:
If you would like to make contributions to Sacred Heart via credit card or directly from your bank account, please click on the button below. Upon entering the first time you will need to create an online profile and input your bank account or credit card, and then you can schedule your contributions. Accessing the webpage in the future will only require you to input your user id and password. Click here for more information.
If you have any questions, contact:
Larry Stein 226-5105
Donations from IRA's:
Please notify the Church Office Bookkeeper of your intention to make an IRA donation so that we can record it as coming from you. The distribution check must made out to “Sacred Heart Church”, according to this tax provision. You can tell your IRA holder to mail a check directly to the Church, but it will arrive anonymously. Another approach is to have the check payable to Sacred Heart Church and mailed to you, in which case, you can put it in one of your collection envelopes. On your envelope or in a note indicate how much should go to “regular”, “maintenance” and/or specific special collection(s). Your donation will appear on the year-end contributions statement, but not indicated as an IRA donation. If you wish to have a specific acknowledgment letter you should notify Dave Witchger. If you have questions please contact:
Larry Stein 226-5105
Dave Witchger 922-9058
Donations of Stock:
To make a donation by stock, stop by the Church office and pick up a Donate By Stock form, to be
completed and given to your stock broker with a copy given to the Church office. Upon receipt of your
donated stock into our brokerage account, the stock will be sold and an acknowledgement letter will be
sent to you for your tax filing purpose. If you have questions please contact:
Dave Witchger 922-9058
Donations from a Charitable Gift Account:
When gifting from a charitable gift account, use the Church Tax I. D./ EIN : 71-0522822