Representing | Name | Phone |
Pastor | Fr. Bill Elser | 501-209-2502 |
Pastoral Council Liasons | Becky Jordan Mark Leslie |
501-922-4609 201-226-0074 |
Communications: Website |
Gina Biondillo Patti Sheppard |
501-922-2062, ext 10 501-922-1881 |
Faith & Health Ministry | Maureen Halloren | 228-342-0491 |
Hand & Foot Club | Need Volunteer | |
KofC-Third Degree | John Weidert | 501-915-0719 |
KofC-Fourth Degree | Pat McGannon | 281-785-5073 |
Ladies of the Sacred Heart | Debbie Garrett | 512-587-2481 |
Men's Club | Dave Banaszynski | 414-332-5999 |
Newcomers Welcoming Committee | Debbie Garrett | 512-587-2481 |
Sacred Heart Singles | Debbie Doughty | 414-313-0415 |
Sociable Six | Nancy & Howard Emery | 815-861-0820 |
Dishwashers | Jeff Wright | 619-654-4096 |
Recording Secretary | Debbie Bell | 901-283-2223 |
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