Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

The Ministry of Spiritual Direction—the art of holy listening.

For those who desire a more lively relationship with God, a richer, more satisfying prayer life, or simply a listening ear to help understand one's unfolding life through God's eyes.

Spiritual direction or Spiritual companioning is a process in which a person is companioned and encouraged in her/his journey with God. A spiritual director is a trained and certified professional with training programs requiring several years of intense study and practice.

The subject matter of spiritual direction is what seems significant in the life of the person seeking direction.  Each season of our life offers its unique challenges and opportunities: for example, loss of a loved one, health concerns, diminishment due to aging, or coming to terms with things one cannot change. Reflecting on these with a trained professional, whose only desire is that you hear God answer your questions, can be refreshing and comforting.  Spiritual direction is an opportunity to step away and allow God the time and space to minister to you in the way only God knows is best for you. It can be good medicine for the soul. By listening carefully, the director can help process discernment questions, personal desires, fears, and spiritual insights in a totally confidential and sacred space.

Direction sessions are commonly once a month for approximately one hour. The director and directee agree on a convenient time and location as well as a fee schedule based on one's ability to pay.

We are blessed at Sacred Heart of Jesus to be able to offer spiritual direction with either of two trained spiritual directors. Either may be contacted for an initial visit to determine if this would be a "comfortable fit" and something of value. These sessions are completely confidential.

            DEB TROXEL
            Phone:  515-314-6955

         Phone: 309-831-7230