When the rich young man, who had kept the Commandments of God, was challenged by Jesus to sell some or maybe all he owned and give to the poor and have treasure in heaven, it tells us the man went away sad because he had many possessions. (Mth 19:16-22). One thing seems to be the case, that the man was so "in love" with his possessions or the wealth he had, that he was not willing to let it go though he said to Jesus that he was searching for "eternal life." One aspect of this story that might also be true is that he was lacking in sympathy for the poor and the difficult situation they were in on a daily basis, perhaps struggling to the point of not having much to eat or a permanent and safe place to live. It is clear that Jesus, in contrast had great love and sympathy for the poor, (both materially and spiritually) and sought to help them in whatever way he could. Since we are called to be "Christ-like" in all ways of thought and ac-tion, it is certainly the case that we are called to grow in sympathy for the poor and share the bounty that we have regularly and even sacrificially as we seek the "riches of heaven".
During Lent our "Operation Rice Bowl" gives us the opportunity to be made more aware of some of the real-life stories of some of the poor of the world and grow in our love and care for them not just during the Lenten Season but throughout the year and through-out our lives. I invite you to go to www.crsricebowl.org/week3 and read about Ana and Jose Belen who live in Guatemala with their five children in a community in which malnutrition affects over half of the population there. Given the realities of not having enough resources to provide adequate nourishment for her children, Ana was quoted saying, "I don't want to see my children suffering from hunger". Thank God this project (financed through the generosity of people to CRS) came along." Please go online, read the rest of her story and at the least pray for Ana, Jose and their children and all who are in a similar situation of poverty and ongoing need AND consider helping them through Operation Rice Bowl and what you save up for the rest of Lent. Please plan to return them on Holy Thursday or anytime in the week or so after Holy Thursday. Also consider giving ongoing support to Catholic Relief Services, P.O. Box 5205, Harlan, IA, 51593-4702. Unlike the rich, young man in that Gospel, you will draw closer to the Lord and be happy (not sad as he was) and live in continual hope of the riches of everlasting life!
During Lent our "Operation Rice Bowl" gives us the opportunity to be made more aware of some of the real-life stories of some of the poor of the world and grow in our love and care for them not just during the Lenten Season but throughout the year and through-out our lives. I invite you to go to www.crsricebowl.org/week3 and read about Ana and Jose Belen who live in Guatemala with their five children in a community in which malnutrition affects over half of the population there. Given the realities of not having enough resources to provide adequate nourishment for her children, Ana was quoted saying, "I don't want to see my children suffering from hunger". Thank God this project (financed through the generosity of people to CRS) came along." Please go online, read the rest of her story and at the least pray for Ana, Jose and their children and all who are in a similar situation of poverty and ongoing need AND consider helping them through Operation Rice Bowl and what you save up for the rest of Lent. Please plan to return them on Holy Thursday or anytime in the week or so after Holy Thursday. Also consider giving ongoing support to Catholic Relief Services, P.O. Box 5205, Harlan, IA, 51593-4702. Unlike the rich, young man in that Gospel, you will draw closer to the Lord and be happy (not sad as he was) and live in continual hope of the riches of everlasting life!
It is truly a blessing to have SO MANY people in this parish who are nominated and approved to be V.I.P.'s (Very Important Parishioners) for each month of the year. It speaks certainly of the size of the parish, and the many whose efforts to praise God go beyond what is done in the pews at Mass to what they do in a variety of ways outside of Mass in the parish and in the community in which we live.
I will share with you that more than a couple of people, when asked if they would be honored as VIP for a particular month have turned it down. I do appreciate the humility that leads at least in part to their rejection of this request as they feel they do what they do for the glory of God as a servant in Christ, and not for public recognition. I would ask them to reconsider if asked again as highlighting what someone does in ministry and activity in public or behind the scenes (or both) might indeed inspire others to consider doing one or some of these ministries.
This month's VIP's Walter and Judy Free are ones who gladly do so much behind the scenes to serve the Lord and others. Firstly, they are weekly Eucharistic Adorers who, I would imagine, have been giving at least an hour a week to the Lord in our chapel since we stated Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration and thus have grown in union with him and in anticipation of being with the Lord forever in heaven. They never miss when it comes to participating in Mass for the "Lord's Day" unless sickness prevents them from doing so. While I don't have a list of their ministries and activities in front of me right now, I can tell you for sure that each of them has been VERY active in the Knights of Columbus (Walter) and the Ladies of the Sacred Heart (Judy). They are "worker bees" who step forward to serve whether asked or by initiating actions of service on their own. I have especially appreciated Judy's dedication to our youth through Guild 8 in all the ways that her guild has provided food for them on various occasions, especially when they receive sacraments in the Church. With Walter, I recall the countless instances when he has come early and stayed late before and after Mass respectively to sell tickets for a Knight's event, in most instances doing so for all three Masses on a weekend. I know there is much more that I could add to this list, but I won't as I know them to be "humble" servants of the Lord and would be fine (and maybe even prefer) that I not list everything they have done and some things they continue to do (like weekly Eucharistic Adoration). God bless Walter and Judy, and may more be inspired to choose the path of continual service for the Lord and others!
I will share with you that more than a couple of people, when asked if they would be honored as VIP for a particular month have turned it down. I do appreciate the humility that leads at least in part to their rejection of this request as they feel they do what they do for the glory of God as a servant in Christ, and not for public recognition. I would ask them to reconsider if asked again as highlighting what someone does in ministry and activity in public or behind the scenes (or both) might indeed inspire others to consider doing one or some of these ministries.
This month's VIP's Walter and Judy Free are ones who gladly do so much behind the scenes to serve the Lord and others. Firstly, they are weekly Eucharistic Adorers who, I would imagine, have been giving at least an hour a week to the Lord in our chapel since we stated Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration and thus have grown in union with him and in anticipation of being with the Lord forever in heaven. They never miss when it comes to participating in Mass for the "Lord's Day" unless sickness prevents them from doing so. While I don't have a list of their ministries and activities in front of me right now, I can tell you for sure that each of them has been VERY active in the Knights of Columbus (Walter) and the Ladies of the Sacred Heart (Judy). They are "worker bees" who step forward to serve whether asked or by initiating actions of service on their own. I have especially appreciated Judy's dedication to our youth through Guild 8 in all the ways that her guild has provided food for them on various occasions, especially when they receive sacraments in the Church. With Walter, I recall the countless instances when he has come early and stayed late before and after Mass respectively to sell tickets for a Knight's event, in most instances doing so for all three Masses on a weekend. I know there is much more that I could add to this list, but I won't as I know them to be "humble" servants of the Lord and would be fine (and maybe even prefer) that I not list everything they have done and some things they continue to do (like weekly Eucharistic Adoration). God bless Walter and Judy, and may more be inspired to choose the path of continual service for the Lord and others!
As we continue to pray for Pope Francis in his time of sickness, in hopes that he is able to resume fully his ministry as the "Vicar of Christ" and Supreme Pontiff, it is likely that some are reflecting on his time as our pope, recognizing, due to his age and current condition that his papacy may sooner than later be coming to an end. Naturally, there are some who praise God for the accomplishments of his papacy while some are less than pleased by his focus on some issues like the care for our common home, the earth. Then there's what he has said and taught about the inherent dignity of every human person who is created in the image and likeness of God and how this is to be respected and protected in all circumstances. Our pope has certainly been clear about the rights of immigrants which has not been accepted by many, including Catholics.
I think it is important to recognize that he is certainly following the Tradition of the Church and his predecessors in the "Chair of St. Peter" in what he has taught on this subject. In "Rerum Novarum" Pope Leo XIII, whose papacy ran from 1878 until his death in 1913, emphasized that no one would exchange his country for a foreign land if his own afforded him the means of living a decent and happy life. The corollary to this emphasis consists in ensuring that the conditions of a given country do not give rise to situations of forced migration. Saint, Pope John XXIII asserted that "every human being has the right to freedom of movement and of residence within the confines of his own country; and when there are just reasons for it, the right to emigrate to other countries and take up residence there. This conviction was subsequently reinforced in the Second Vatican Council's teaching "Gadium Et Spes" which explicitly recognized a person's right to migrate. Saint, Pope John Paul II in his encyclical "Laborum Exercens" reaffirms the point that people should be able to migrate to find work to support themselves and their family while acknowledging that such migration signifies a loss to one's home country.
With all this said and taught, it is certainly the case that political leaders have the right to control and manage the borders of the state over which they rule. "Every state has the right to regulate migration and to enact policies dictated by the general requirements of the common good...AND it must always do so "while safeguarding respect for the dignity of each human person." The Church has always recognized and respected the plight of refugees and asylum seekers who flee their country due to various forms of persecution. I doubt there is hardly anyone who disagrees that our country (and others) needs to work on immigration reform that is both fair to the citizens of our (or any) country AND the immigrants.
I think it is important to recognize that he is certainly following the Tradition of the Church and his predecessors in the "Chair of St. Peter" in what he has taught on this subject. In "Rerum Novarum" Pope Leo XIII, whose papacy ran from 1878 until his death in 1913, emphasized that no one would exchange his country for a foreign land if his own afforded him the means of living a decent and happy life. The corollary to this emphasis consists in ensuring that the conditions of a given country do not give rise to situations of forced migration. Saint, Pope John XXIII asserted that "every human being has the right to freedom of movement and of residence within the confines of his own country; and when there are just reasons for it, the right to emigrate to other countries and take up residence there. This conviction was subsequently reinforced in the Second Vatican Council's teaching "Gadium Et Spes" which explicitly recognized a person's right to migrate. Saint, Pope John Paul II in his encyclical "Laborum Exercens" reaffirms the point that people should be able to migrate to find work to support themselves and their family while acknowledging that such migration signifies a loss to one's home country.
With all this said and taught, it is certainly the case that political leaders have the right to control and manage the borders of the state over which they rule. "Every state has the right to regulate migration and to enact policies dictated by the general requirements of the common good...AND it must always do so "while safeguarding respect for the dignity of each human person." The Church has always recognized and respected the plight of refugees and asylum seekers who flee their country due to various forms of persecution. I doubt there is hardly anyone who disagrees that our country (and others) needs to work on immigration reform that is both fair to the citizens of our (or any) country AND the immigrants.