Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
ll parishioners who seek to grow in their relationship with the Lord first and foremost, then their brothers and sisters "in the Lord" that is fostered in a variety of ways, especially in our celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

I also appreciate those who come out from the pews to serve the Lord and their fellow parishioners in the liturgical ministries that we have during Mass and before and after Mass (like the sacristans and ushers)

Then there are those who put in some or a great deal of extra time in serving the Lord outside of our times of worship. Two people who do this are our V.I.P.'s for the month of February, Mark and Kacky Leslie. When I think of Mark, the first thing that comes to mind is all the work he does in financial matters for our Knights of Columbus Council (10208). With all the fundraising activities of our Knight's and the normal collecting of dues and other monies that come in, Mark puts in an unknown (by me anyway) number of hours being proficient and responsible in his duties which is a blessing to our Knights and many others as well. There are of course other activities he is involved in and even takes a leadership role in such as the newcomers welcoming committee that he and Kacky have been heading up and coordinating for a while. I'm thankful to them for this and also appreciate all those who are in this ministry of welcoming and informing new parishioners about Sacred Heart Church. Mark is a past "Scribe" for our Knights 4th degree assembly, is part of the "kitchen crew" for Knights breakfast fundraisers, and comes early and at times stays later to set-up and clean-up for Knights events (which are mostly fundraisers that assist a variety of people in need). He has attended the annual parish men's retreat and has repre-sented our Knights Council at the annual state convention. He has been serving on the Sacred Heart Parish Life Commission for a significant period of time and is currently one of two representatives from that commission on our pastoral council.

Kacky is a native-born Arkansas, who has been a faithful, loving wife to Mark for over 50 years and a support to him in his career, much of which was in the military. Since they moved to Hot Springs Village in January of 2018 she has been an active member of LOSH, a past co-captain and now captain of Guild 6 and co-leads that guilds' efforts to minister to our bereaved through funeral receptions when her guild is called upon to do it. She and Mark have volunteered for the annual Arkansas Special Olympics event in Searcy Arkansas and has been blessed with Mark and others by attending the Knights couples retreat in Subiaco. As mentioned above she and Mark have been members of the welcoming committee, and have done a great job leading this ministry in our parish. Both Kacky and Mark have shown themselves to be always ready to help out when needed in too many instances to mention. I dare say that even though they have been here for a relatively short time (7 years) they are wonderful contributors to the growth and stability of our parish (and our Knights council and assembly) which hopefully is an inspiration for others to do the same!