Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Before deciding the subject matter for this pastor's column, I gave some thought to the fact that this is the first column of the new calendar year. As such, I want this column to touch on an important topic that potentially speaks to almost all of you, and be both an invitation for some and an affirmation for others.
The topic is the ministry of Eucharistic Adoration here at Sacred Heart Church. I say it's a ministry because anything that we do that is a commitment to the Lord, and is focused firstly on giving praise and thanks to God with words and/or with our presence with the Lord, is doing God's work as a faith-filled disciple. It also is a great blessing to those who say "yes" to participating in this ministry as can be attested to by most of our adorers some of whom have been doing it as a regular or sub for up to 10 years.

I would like to share with you the testimony of one of our Eucharistic Adorers:
" Eucharistic adoration—a journey from intimidation to comfort."
When I first walked into the chapel for adoration, I felt a wave of nervousness wash over me. The stillness felt heavy, and I questioned whether I belonged there. Would I know how to pray? What if I just sat there, frozen? That sense of dread was palpable.

As I sat in silence, something remarkable happened. I began to realize that adoration isn't about perfection; it's about presence. It's not about saying the right words, but rather about being open to the love of Christ.

Slowly, the intimidation began to fade. I allowed myself to breathe, to listen, and to simply be. I found that in those moments of quiet, I could experience God's presence in a profound way. The chapel transformed from a place of anxiety to a sanctuary of peace.

What began as a daunting experience became a source of delight. I discovered that vulnerability is a gateway to deeper connection. As I opened my heart, I felt enveloped in God's love—a comfort that reassured me I was exactly where I needed to be.
Written by: Cindy Norlin

Please consider at the start of the new year joining so many in the parish in this ministry as a regular or sub and experience blessings that will be many for you, your family, your parish family and others that you can pray for in the presence of the Lord!! Call Mike Ritch 832 231-7469 to get started.