Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
While it was many years ago, I remember my fifth grade teacher, Sister Laurene quoting from St. Augustine over and over again with his statement that when we sing (at church) we are "praying twice". She was obviously stating how important singing is when we gather to celebrate the Eucharist. I can truly say how impressed and proud I am of our congregation when it comes to singing at Mass and that has been echoed by some of the priests who have subbed for me over the years I have served as your pastor. I dare say all of us "older people" have developed quite a repertoire of hymns that we are familiar with and we all have certain hymns that are our favorites. If I asked you to what or to whom are our hymns directed, I'm sure many of you would quickly answer, God, and in many cases you would be correct. There is, however, a difference in that some are speaking ABOUT God and some are speaking TO God. I must say, I prefer the ones that speak to God, as this is what prayer, spoken or sung is all about. Two hymns that immediately come to mind are "Holy God We Praise Thy Name" and "Beautiful Savior" Some hymns speak about our calling as disciples of Christ in the world. Two songs that come to my mind are "Go Make A Difference" and "Take The Word of God With You".

Perhaps, we are so caught up in the melody of some hymns and even the words that we don't realize that they speak more "about us" than they do "about" or "to" God. One favorite hymn, "Here I Am Lord" by Dan Schutte sings with self-possessive language twenty-nine times and directly to God only six times. Another popular song, "Be Not Afraid" seems to use words that are completely oriented toward oneself and none that address God directly. Those who are caught up in the "me, I and my" way of thinking or speaking no doubt love the song that quotes the repentant thief on the cross next to Jesus who calls out "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom." (Lk 23:42) After saying all this, let me clearly state that I believe all types of hymns have their time and place in our gathering to give worship and praise to God. One favorite hymn that is often used at funeral Masses is "On Eagle's Wings" a song that speaks (at least in the refrain) about what God will do for us. We can and should find and use songs that speak to God like "O God Beyond All Praising" and that praise God like "Praise To The Lord", with regularity and without fail at every Mass, recognizing our God as worthy of our praise and the source of all blessings that come to us and others (especially the poor and poor in spirit).
