Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
How is the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) the same as second collections that are taken up at various times throughout the year, and how do they differ? They are the same in that they call us to give some of the financial resources that we are blessed to have to help others who are in need. They differ in that our second collections are taken up at a particular time in any given month, and usually is a nationwide (or even an interna-tional) collection that benefits a certain cause or ministry (like the recent Black and Indian Mission Collection). The Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal, understandably, happens only in Arkansas and depends on the Catholic families in Arkansas to make it successful in partially or totally funding a variety of ministries and activities that are happening in the name of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church throughout our wonderful state.

Because of its importance, the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal goes on beyond one particular weekend and asks that our generosity be such that we are willing to "pledge" a certain amount and pay it over several months or throughout the year. This is what I do, and I invite you to do the same OR at the least give a "one time" gift using the envelopes in the pews (and putting them in the collection basket as it comes around) or taking them home, filling them out, and mail them in through the "postage paid" envelopes.

I don't have time to even touch briefly on all the ministries and activities that NEED our support through our gift(s) to CASA as there are so many, so I'll plan to talk about some of them in future pastor's columns, hoping that if you have not given to CASA yet, you will do so after reading of the wonderful works that are happening because of our generosity.

Today, I will point out that money is needed to support at least one priest, a permanent deacon, and 10 religious sisters who are working full time in a variety of mission parishes that, because of their small congregation, are not able to afford to give them a small salary, food, housing and health benefits that they need. These nuns are ministering to the spiritual needs of the Catholics that are under their care, and they are also reaching out to evangelize non-believers to lead them to the blessings of life in Christ in a Catholic church community. Since Catholics make up only 5% of the total population of Arkansas, there is much room and opportunity for growth in the faith in our state.

Thanks to those who have already made a pledge and/or gift to CASA. Please don't be shy to encourage your fellow parishioners to do the same. I pray that by the end of the year we have more families that give to CASA than we've ever had before!