Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
helpinghandsThe Annual Helping Hands Appreciation Dinner and Annual Meeting will be held in the Lower Hall on Thursday, May 2, 2019.  We will meet at 5:00 p.m.  Dinner, catered by Home Plate, will be served promptly at 5:30 p.m.

This dinner invitation is extended to ALL Helping Hands volunteers and their spouses and guests.  A special invitation is extended to any parishioners who are interested in becoming part of this rewarding ministry.  Helping Hands volunteers provide transportation to Mass, medical appointments and treatments, assist with errands and escort shopping, provide respite care for family caregivers, phone those on the bulletin Prayer List and send Sunshine Cards to them on a regular basis.  Helping Hands volunteers also visit the homebound and those in residence at Good Samaritan Campus, Mount Carmel Community and Village Springs Health and Rehabilitation.  We invite YOU to join us in caring for each other and extending a helping hand to those in need!

SIGN-UP SHEETS are in the narthex, and we must have an accurate count NO LATER THAN THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2019.  If you have questions, call Cathy Wedwick at 915-8456 and Pat Widlowski at 922-1395.  We want to celebrate all the good things that you do to assist our parishioners who request help, even if that is simply being willing to wait for the call.  PLEASE COME!