Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says this in #2181:  "The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice.  For this reason, the faithful are obliged to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, unless excused for a serious reason or dispensed by their own pastor.  Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin."  Unfortunately many Catholics know this and yet choose to ignore this law and its consequences.  I celebrate the fact that our attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church far exceeds the estimate of 30% of all registered Catholics who attend Mass regularly in the United States.  Since we are celebrating four of our six Holydays of Obligation in the next two months starting this week with All Saints Day, I urge ALL of our parishioners to be alert to these special days and be ready to celebrate them with your fellow parishioners with a sense of purpose and joy, as we give thanks and praise to The Lord for the nourishment and strength that comes through each Eucharistic celebration.
I'm sure some of you who go regularly to the 10:00 a.m. Mass are wondering what has come of the music survey that was done recently about the Choir at that Mass.  I can tell you, of the people who responded (around 150), a large number want us to continue having a choir at that Mass, which I am happy to see.  The challenges that come from a relatively small number of people currently in our choir, and the need for more members, remains before us.  One matter has been decided in that I have named Lynne Border as the new 10:00 a.m. Choir Director even as she continues as our organist.  She has done this for many years in her previous parish, and is currently the director and accompanist for our Resurrection Choir which is going well for our Funeral Masses.  I know Lynne is open to ideas on how to get more people in the choir and she has ideas herself.  I pray the parish will be open to her leadership in the important area of music ministry for our parish.  May we all continue to offer praise to the Lord in words, songs and by our loving actions every day.
It was a blessing for me to join with Catholics from this area for the annual "Life Chain" in downtown Hot Springs last Sunday.  I stood with a sign that encouraged prayers to God to heal our nation, and I prayed the rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy during that time.  I found it good to stand in public and be a witness to my belief that Life is precious from the mother's womb and should be protected until natural death.  While I must admit that I felt a little frustrated and sad that more people didn't participate in this effort, I came to realize that some people, given the times we live in, have some anxieties or even fears, about standing out in public with a sign that might cause some people to get angry and even respond in a violent way.  Next year, I will encourage those who don't join us for the Life Chain, to spend some, or all, of that hour in prayer at home or at church to show solidarity with us who are praying and holding signs in public. Your support in this way might lead some to a conversion of mind, heart, and/or action with regard for the God-given gift of human life.