Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
It was a blessing for me to join with Catholics from this area for the annual "Life Chain" in downtown Hot Springs last Sunday.  I stood with a sign that encouraged prayers to God to heal our nation, and I prayed the rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy during that time.  I found it good to stand in public and be a witness to my belief that Life is precious from the mother's womb and should be protected until natural death.  While I must admit that I felt a little frustrated and sad that more people didn't participate in this effort, I came to realize that some people, given the times we live in, have some anxieties or even fears, about standing out in public with a sign that might cause some people to get angry and even respond in a violent way.  Next year, I will encourage those who don't join us for the Life Chain, to spend some, or all, of that hour in prayer at home or at church to show solidarity with us who are praying and holding signs in public. Your support in this way might lead some to a conversion of mind, heart, and/or action with regard for the God-given gift of human life.