Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I was, and still am, thrilled with how well our Knights of Columbus Lasagna Fundraising Dinner went on Saturday. While one of the highlights of the evening was the presentation of checks and cash to Monsignor Friend from the proceeds of the fund raiser and the individual gifts of many who came to the dinner, there were many other highlights, including the introduction of the seminarians and the remarks by Monsignor Friend and Bishop Taylor.  The mood at the dinner was happy and festive, and the meal was beyond delicious.  The best news is that our Knights' Council plans to make this an annual event to benefit the needs of our seminarians.  It is wonderful to see a Council and a parish so excited about, and supportive of, seminarians for our diocese.  The bishop reminded us that our ongoing prayers are needed and essential.  Let's keep it going (and growing)!