Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I am happy to announce to you that a longtime parishioner, Linda Good, has been named the new CCD Coordinator at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.  Linda takes over from Angela Issacs who is the new principal at St. John's School in Hot Springs.  Linda has most recently taught at one of our Catholic Schools in Little Rock.  She has administrative experience and was a former teacher in our CCD program back when her children were in our classes.  We welcome Linda with all her experiences and her status as a faithful parishioner at Sacred Heart Church.  She will be a blessing to our children, teaching staff, parents and the rest of the parish.  Just to let you know something else, we are currently assembling a questionnaire that we will soon ask you to fill out about the music ministry here at Sacred Heart Church. Please give some thought and prayer to your perceptions of our liturgical music offerings as you experience them.