We are blessed to recently hear from the sixth chapter of the Gospel of St. John over four straight weekends at the Sunday liturgy. It was a great reminder to us that Jesus is the Living Bread come down from heaven for us to eat and never die. We come to the banquet of the Eucharist to receive Jesus in Holy Communion, and prepare ourselves for the banquet feast of heaven. Unfortunately, some, due to sickness or a weakened condition, are unable to join us at the Eucharistic celebration. I am so grateful for the men and women of our parish who bring the Eucharist to people in their homes and in our local retirement facilities. I know that the people who receive the Eucharist are VERY grateful for the visit of these ministers, which includes prayer and the reception of Jesus in Holy Communion. I ask you to please remember, if you cannot make it to Mass on Sunday due to sickness or a weakened condition, to please call Marge Stehling at 922-3837. She will arrange for an extraordinary minister of Communion to visit you with the Eucharist on a day and at a time that works for everyone involved, for as long as you need it. Even if it's only for a few weeks after a surgery or stay in the hospital, we want to provide this great help to your healing and peace.