Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
In all sporting events, we are used to seeing a team practicing before a season begins.  The efforts put into the pre-season workouts will lead, in most cases, to positive results when the season begins.  Such, I believe, is the case for those parishioners who participated in the pre-Lenten season workout of our recent parish mission.  Whether you did or didn't hear the wonderful talks of Father Lukefahr, the fact is that the season of Lent is now upon ALL OF US, and the opportunities for growth in The Lord are awaiting us.  Firstly, there is the Mass, which will be celebrated on Monday through Friday throughout Lent at 9:00 a.m. and on Wednesdays also, at 6:30 p.m.

We will give out the "Little Lenten Reflection Books" on Ash Wednesday and at the Masses for the First Sunday of Lent for your use each day of Lent at home.  We will also encourage participation in "Operation Rice Bowl" which asks us to save money for the poor throughout Lent and bring our rice bowls back around Holy Thursday (March 28) so our money can be combined for the efforts of Catholic Relief Services to help lift people around the world out of the throes of poverty.

We will offer our Soup and Dessert meals on Wednesdays of Lent at 5:00 p.m., followed by a video that will help us grow stronger in our knowledge of the faith through the presentations by Michael Cumby (a convert to Catholicism) and videos from Liguori Publications on "What Catholics Believe".  We will offer insightful teachings on "Catholicism" from Father Michael Barron, a well known theologian from Chicago on the Tuesday and Thursday mornings of Lent after Mass.  Finally, we will pray the Stations of the Cross each of the Fridays of Lent at 6:30 p.m. and our Lenten Reconciliation Service will take place on Wednesday, March 20, at 6:30 p.m.  It's a full season of growth in holiness and knowledge of the Faith in this "Year of Faith".  Please make this season a fruitful one and helpful to get ready for the NEXT blessed season, that of Easter. 
There are many situations in life that call for prayerful reflection before making a decision which often leads to peace once that decision is made.  When we are afforded the opportunity to give of ourselves for some altruistic good, then a time of prayer will often lead us to give more than we otherwise would.  I ask that every parishioner spend some time this week prayerfully discerning how generous you can be to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) for the year 2013.

There are many people who are blessed by our generous gift to CASA.  These include our seminarians (House of Formation), the needy (Catholic Charities), our young people (in Catholic schools and weekly religious education programs), the people in small parishes where collections are not sufficient to provide for their ministry needs, and others that Jesus calls us to serve including those who are incarcerated in our prisons who need the Good News proclaimed to them.  Lest I forget there are priests of our diocese who are retired and/or sick who benefit from CASA.

Next weekend, I ask you to come to Mass ready to make your yearly commitment to CASA through a one-time gift, or by making a pledge that can be paid once a month for the entire rest of the year.  While I am confident that many of you will respond thoughtfully to this annual appeal, I pray that families and/or individuals who have not given anything in the past, will be inspired to join with me and your fellow parishioners at Sacred Heart Church and throughout Arkansas, to aid so many in the work of The Lord in this part of His vineyard.

I am truly excited for myself and the parish as we prepare to welcome Father Oscar Lukefahr for our pre-Lenten Parish Mission, February 4-7.  Father Lukefahr is a well-known and respected author of such books as The Privilege of Being Catholic, The Catechism Handbook, and We Believe...A Survey of the Catholic Faith.  He is also an experienced mission speaker who is very much in demand.  (I had to schedule him over a year in advance.)  We are blessed, indeed, to welcome him for a mission during this "Year of Faith" as he has devoted much of his priesthood to helping people grow in the faith and in the knowledge of their faith.  I welcomed him over 14 years ago to my parish in Western Arkansas where he was well received.  He will be preaching at all the Masses next weekend to introduce himself and encourage participation in the mission.  He has graciously agreed to give the same talk twice each day of the mission after the 9:00 a.m. Mass and in the evening at 6:00 p.m.  You can pick the time each day that works best for you.  We will have Mass on the last day of the mission (Thursday, February 7) both at 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., with receptions to follow at the end of the mission.  Please note that we will take up a collection on Thursday to support Father Lukefahr in his continuing work of Evangelization through his religious order, the Vincentians.  Please plan to come and invite your Catholic friends (especially those who are inactive in their faith) to come.  We will be offering the Sacrament of Anointing on one day of the mission for the sick and elderly (who are prone to sudden and serious illness).  The mission promises to be one of the highlights of the "Year of Faith" in our parish.  DON'T MISS IT!