Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Each week our parish offers a few complimentary copies of each edition of the "Arkansas Catholic" newspaper on a table outside of Linda Daniel's office.  Some times I even find a few still on the table after the weekend Masses.  This past weekend it wouldn't have surprised me to see that all were gone after the Saturday evening Mass, as many people, especially Catholics, are looking for articles about the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and what will be happening in the aftermath of his decision.  No doubt we will see articles in the "secular media" about events and happenings surrounding this story, including of course, the conclave of Cardinals who will be meeting soon to elect a new Pope. The slant of the secular media is one reason why I look forward to reading about events before, during and after the new Pope is elected, in articles printed in the "Arkansas Catholic".

I encourage you to make the decision soon to subscribe to the "Arkansas Catholic" for at least a year.  (The cost is only $22 for seniors.)  There are subscription envelopes in your stewardship packet and in the pews at church.  This historic Papal action deserves our attention, and the "Arkansas Catholic" will help us to keep up with Church news at the local, state, national and international levels.  It is an "award-winning" publication for a reason.  See for yourself.