I am truly excited for myself and the parish as we prepare to welcome Father Oscar Lukefahr for our pre-Lenten Parish Mission, February 4-7. Father Lukefahr is a well-known and respected author of such books as The Privilege of Being Catholic, The Catechism Handbook, and We Believe...A Survey of the Catholic Faith. He is also an experienced mission speaker who is very much in demand. (I had to schedule him over a year in advance.) We are blessed, indeed, to welcome him for a mission during this "Year of Faith" as he has devoted much of his priesthood to helping people grow in the faith and in the knowledge of their faith. I welcomed him over 14 years ago to my parish in Western Arkansas where he was well received. He will be preaching at all the Masses next weekend to introduce himself and encourage participation in the mission. He has graciously agreed to give the same talk twice each day of the mission after the 9:00 a.m. Mass and in the evening at 6:00 p.m. You can pick the time each day that works best for you. We will have Mass on the last day of the mission (Thursday, February 7) both at 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., with receptions to follow at the end of the mission. Please note that we will take up a collection on Thursday to support Father Lukefahr in his continuing work of Evangelization through his religious order, the Vincentians. Please plan to come and invite your Catholic friends (especially those who are inactive in their faith) to come. We will be offering the Sacrament of Anointing on one day of the mission for the sick and elderly (who are prone to sudden and serious illness). The mission promises to be one of the highlights of the "Year of Faith" in our parish. DON'T MISS IT!