As many people are now starting to give serious attention to getting gifts for others at Christmas, I have already witnessed gifts upon gifts bought and delivered to our Church by many Christ-like people from our parish who wish to brighten the Christmas morning of needy children and young people in our area. This comes also at a time when many people in our parish recently reached out in a loving way to retired Religious (Brothers and Sisters) throughout our country in the special collection in early December that netted over $11,000. Finally, as the calendar year comes to a close, I wish to acknowledge and thank those 291 people (or families) who contributed to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) in the amount of $64,982.58 which is 111.42% of our goal for 2012. There is, indeed, much to be thankful for and to confidently anticipate for the future, including the near future, as we are given the annual opportunity to help the retired, sick and infirmed priests of our diocese through the only collection that is taken up at all the Christmas Masses in our diocese. Those who are travelling for the Christmas season can give to meet this need through your collection envelope either before you leave or after you return. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU THOUGHTFUL, GIVING PEOPLE.