Oh, how time flies! With the start of the Advent season this weekend, we mark the one year anniversary of the revised Roman Missal. The new wording of many of the prayers and responses at Mass has slowed us down as we were (and some still are) forced to use written aids that are in our pews to get it right. Those of us, who have come to memorize some (or maybe all) of the new rite, may be tempted to speed up again and say the words thoughtlessly from the mind and not from the heart. I pray that we will not give in to this temptation; but instead, during this year of faith, deepen our love for the Mass and our participation in it from start to finish. I have to say that I have not been conscious of a change of volume in the spoken and sung responses in the Mass, and I certainly can't ever gauge where our hearts are turned during the celebration of Mass. I can only pray that the new texts we are hearing and speaking, are penetrating our minds and hearts and are leading us into a deeper union with The Lord and one another.