Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I write this Pastor's Corner on election day, 2012.  I hope, as I know all people who vote do, that my vote will make a difference in helping to get people elected whom I believe will best promote the values and ways of the Gospel of Jesus and will work with others to see that this happens for the common good.  Today, I have already done something that I KNOW for sure will make a difference, as I gave blood at the Blood Drive that is held once every two months at the Village United Methodist Church on Carmona.  I was one of the first in line, and the other three who were behind me, were fellow parishioners from Sacred Heart Church.  I give thanks to God for these people and all who realize that they can make a difference throughout the year in many ways, including giving the "Gift of Life" through a blood donation. Please look out for the next blood drive in January at the United Methodist Church or earlier than that (though I don't know when) at the Coronado Center.  It is a wonderful, Christ-like thing to do.