Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I must admit that I was not happy when I was told by someone at the Property Owners Association that we had to move the trailer from its position on Balearic Road in front of the white crosses, which reminded all who drove by, of the tragic reality of 4,000 babies, on average, who die every day in our country through abortion.  While we look forward to a banner being approved to be put in front of our church for a few weeks while we still have the crosses, I urge everyone in our parish to be living signs that communicate to other people in the Village what those crosses stand for and what we as Catholics stand for: "the protection and promotion of human life from conception until natural death."  Please take time yourself to meditate on the tragedy of this ongoing loss of human life in our country and what you can do to promote a "country of life."  The upcoming elections are an important way for us to support those who believe that the "right to life" must supersede the "right to choose" in our country and throughout the world.  If this statement produces a reaction in you, please plan to attend one of our sessions on September 12 at either 2:00 or 6:30 p.m.  Tom Navin of the Diocesan Social Action Office will present the teaching of our bishops on "Faithful Citizenship" and what we should consider before going to the polls.