Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
What does "Faithful Citizenship" mean?  What is our responsibility as faithful Catholics and American citizens, to participate in the political process?  We Catholics have a long tradition of teaching and action on the dignity of human life, marriage and family, justice and peace, care for creation, and the common good.  As Americans, we are also blessed with religious liberty which safeguards our right to bring our principles and moral convictions into the public arena.

We have a unique opportunity, prior to the national elections in November, to be catechized on how to form our consciences for faithful citizenship using our rich Catholic tradition of beliefs and teachings.  Sacred Heart of Jesus Church will host a two-day program, Wednesday and Thursday, September 12 and 13, with presentations and time for questions and answers.  Each of these days you can choose either a 2:00 or 6:30 p.m. time to gather with fellow parishioners for 60 to 90-minute sessions.  Mr. Tom Navin from the Diocesan Office of Social Action, will lead the Wednesday sessions.  The Thursday sessions will offer a video presentation entitled "Gospel Without Borders" featuring our own bishop, Anthony Taylor.  It will be followed by a group discussion and question time.  Please mark your calendars for these helpful sessions.