Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The Caregiver Support Group meets once a month on the second Wednesday of each month in Classroom D from 11:00am - 12:30pm. A light lunch is provided. You are welcome to attend even if you do not have the care receiver living in your home. We also have trained men and women from our parish who will come to your home in order for you to attend the meeting. Call Evelyn 501 204-4134 or Maureen 228 342-0491 for information.

A truck full of food and presents were loaded by Mountain Pine students December 17th, made possible by Sacred Heart parishioners!! A huge thank you to all those who volunteered and helped out!

Sometimes it can be hard to still our souls in Jesus' presence

"Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations…"                                                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                     St. Francis de Sales

There is a need for regular Adorers on Sunday at 7 - 8:00 pm and 8 - 9:00 pm
Contact Mike Ritch regarding PEA 832 231-7469.
For Income Tax purposes, your donations must be received by December 31 for them to be included in the year end contribution statement. Donations made from IRAs should be made payable to Sacred Heart Church. Your generosity is much appreciated!
• Jan. 6 LOSH Board meeting, 9:30am , Upper Hall

• Jan. 13 LOSH Rosary and Mass 8:45am, General Meeting, 9:45am, Lower Hall Speaker Lois Oswald from Make-A-Wish Foundation

• Something Extra - Parish Baby Shower items

• Return your Oaklawn Filly bags.

• Jan 31st/Feb 1st Women of Hope Retreat.

Registration is still open at
Remember to recycle your aluminum beverage cans at the bin in the large church parking lot.
One of the ways you can participate at Mass is to bring up the gifts and present them to the Lord. If every family would take one Sunday a year to present the gifts, all the Masses would be filled! Please consider taking a moment and sign up for a Mass in the white "Gift Bearers Book" in the Narthex. The 2025 pages have been added and are ready for your name.
 Kyle & Bonnye Carter, 4 years on December 31st

 Ron & Pat Cuba, 64 years on December 31st

* Call the church office to provide your anniversary date.
Enjoy (in moderation) the remainder your holidays and be ready to jump start the new year with classes resuming Thursday, January 2.
Our Sociable Six will return for the months of January, February and March 2025. Three couples will be grouped together and then arrange among themselves to share a simple brunch, lunch or dinner at alternate homes, once each month. Participants will enjoy getting to know their fellow parishioners in an informal setting. It is a great way for newcomers to get acquainted with members of our parish family. To sign up call Nancy or Howard Emery 815 861-0820 or email Please provide your name, address, phone number and email address. Final sign up for this session is Dec. 27. You will receive a letter/email with the three couples in your group the first week of January.
Has your address, email or phone number changed? Please inform the church office if your contact information has changed. Change of Information forms are located in the Narthex or call the office at 501 922-2602 ext. 10.
Saturday, January 25 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Christ the King church, Little Rock
Attendees will hear from experts:
Fr. Jeffrey Bayhi, Fr. Chuck Swanson, Bishop Mercelo Sanchez Sorondo, Former Scitlan Yard Inspector Kevin Hyland and Cyber Specialist Kevin Mecalf
Free breakfast & lunch, 5:00 pm Mass
Register for this free symposium at

The collection at The Masses of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will benefit the Clergy Welfare Fund. This fund provides retirement and health care benefits to retired and infirm priests of our diocese. These men have dedicated their lives to God's work and continue to serve in whatever capacity they are able. Your contributions make our priests' retirement possible. Please consider a contribution this Christ-mas, giving back to them in thanksgiving for all they have done for us.
Catholic Extension is experiencing delays in production on the 2025 calendars. "Due to unforeseen circumstances in our production facility and the breakdown of a major binding machine, we are experiencing delivery delays at this time," said Dan Stremel, Senior Director of Calendar Operations. "We are working as quickly as we can to accurately fill all our calendar orders." Orders to be delivered by the end of December or early January.
Sacred Heart will once again offer an opportunity for parishioners and guests to enjoy delicious food and fellowship on Christmas Day in the Lower Hall. Chef Johnna has planned the following menu: garden salad with champagne vinaigrette, slow cooked roast beef with French onion gravy, maple and orange glazed spiral ham, twice baked mashed potatoes, zucchini & yellow squash with tomato gratin, cheddar broccoli casserole, rolls and butter, coffee and tea. For dessert there will be Christmas cookies with Fr. Bill's ice cream. The cost is $17 per person with payment required at the time of sign up. The sheet is in the Narthex. Write your name on and use the provided envelopes if paying cash. It will be a wonderful gathering with food, fellowship and caroling with family and friends as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
We need the strength and peace that comes from the Holy Eucharist. If more people would take the time to make a Holy Hour, at least once a week, many things might change for the better.

"Often place your confidence in Divine Providence and be assured that sooner heaven and earth shall pass away than that the Lord neglects to protect you...My past, O Lord, to your mercy; my present, to your Love; my future to your Providence."                                                                          St. Padre Pio

There is a need for regular Adorers on Sunday at 7 - 8:00 pm and 8 - 9:00 pm
Contact Mike Ritch regarding PEA 832 231-7469
One of the blessings that our parish has at Christmas time is the availability of Formed at no cost. Access seasonal music, art, and programs that enhance, for your family, both Advent and Christmas by simply signing up for your free parish subscription at  Add to your holidays by simply clicking on titles of interest to you and your family.