Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Mens_Club_DonationDick Hill, representing the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Men's Club, presents a donation from the club to Jan Laggan, Executive Director, Samaritan Ministries of Hot Springs.  Dick serves as a volunteer at the mission which provides shelter and programs to homeless men.  Over the past three years the mission has served over 780 men in a variety of ways from providing food and shelter to job counseling.  The Sacred Heart Men's Club raises funds throughout the year from a variety of fund raising activities and distributes the proceeds to various community charities at year end.

Tim Keating (right), President of the Men's Club, presented a cash donation to Jackson House. Receiving the donation were Janie Woodall Smith (left), Executive Director, and Joe Pollard (center), Treasurer.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Men's Club is a supporter of the Jackson House Crisis Intervention Center in Hot Springs in a variety of ways.  The club sponsors a weekly food collection at the church, provides a team of volunteers to serve lunches and has volunteers that work in the Thrift Shop.  Throughout the year the Sacred Heart Men's Club conducts fund raising activities and then distributes the proceeds at the end of the year to a variety of community charities.
Fr. Bill Elser visits with party guests.
Fr. Bill Elser visits with party guests.
On December 10th the Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Club sponsored a Christmas dinner dance that was held at the church hall.  Approximately 180 guests attended the party including Sacred Heart's Pastor Fr. Bill Elser, Sacred Heart's past pastor Monsignor Bernard Malone and retired priest Fr. Victor Bieberle.  In addition Santa made a surprise visit to help hand out the door prizes. 

The party was catered by Home Plate with guest being offered a choice of beef, pork or turkey for dinner.  Music for dancing and listening was provided by the Blue Velvet Band.  All were in agreement that the party was a great beginning to the holiday season.
Fr. Vic (l), Monsignor Malone (c) and Fr. Bill (r) discuss their meal selections prior to dinner.
The Hot Springs Village Knights of Columbus recently donated $4,200 to First Step in Hot Springs.

This represented a portion of the more that $7,000 raised through the Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Campaign of which the Tootsie Roll drive was a significant fund raiser event.

The balance of the net proceeds from this campaign was given to two other organizations: $1,000 to the Blind Camp for Children and $500 to Special Olympics.
Ray Bertrand, a Sacred Heart volunteer, picks up his Angel Food box from Ed Keearns at Cedar Creek Church.
This past Thanksgiving there were 15 families in the Hot Springs Village area that enjoyed a true holiday feast thanks to the generosity of Sacred Heart Parishioners.  The Men's Club and the Ladies Guild of Sacred Heart, utilizing money collected from fund raisers during the year, purchased food and put together Thanksgiving Baskets that were delivered to needy families. 

In most cases, volunteers from the two organizations go to Cedar Creek Church to pick up  Angel Food boxes that they had purchased.  From the church they go to buy additional fresh foods which are then combined with the Angel Food boxes and then delivered.  In some cases, Ladies Guild volunteers go to the grocery store and purchase all the food for a meal and deliver it directly from the store. 

Ed Keearns coordinates the program for Sacred Heart, supplying the names of families in need compiled by the Village Outreach mission.  The deliveries are made during the week prior to Thanksgiving to insure that a holiday meal is available on Thanksgiving Day.  The volunteers that make the deliveries report that the families receiving the food baskets are all very thankful.
Carl and Marlene Smigel, assisted by Jack Timmons, put up some football decorations at their table.
On November 9th the Sacred Heart Men's Club held their annual Tailgate Party at the church.  Over 130 Men's Club members and their spouses attended with many dressed in support of their favorite football team.  The Tailgaters feasted on specially prepared brats that were grilled on site along with a variety of salads.  The dessert was a highlight that included a brownie topped with home made ice cream that had been made by Sacred Heart's pastor, Fr. Bill Elser.   A short program followed the meal.
Many of the parishioners came in dress to support their favorite football team.
Pictured in front are (l-r) Elizabeth Schackelford, Father Michael Bass, Father William Elser, Father Joseph Ejimofor, and Jan Cash; in back are Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer and John Bodensteiner
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Hot Springs Village used the proceeds from its biennial fall Treasure Sale to provide tuition assistance to students attending two area Catholic elementary schools.  At a recent luncheon meeting, Father William Elser presented $7,944 checks to representatives from the two schools.  Accepting the check for St. John’s School in Hot Springs were Father Michael Bass and Principal Elizabeth Schackelford and for Our Lady of Fatima in Benton were Father Joseph Ejimofor and Principal Jan Cash.  Also in attendance from Sacred Heart were the sale coordinators Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer and Chairman John Bodensteiner.
Near exit 118 on I-30 in Benton
This year the "Keep Christ in Christmas" billboards are located on the right side of I-30 westbound between exits 118 & 117 in Benton and on the northeast corner of Hwy 5 Stagecoach Road and Hwy 111 Alexander Road just west of I-30 exit 126 in Bryant.   A decision was made to go with Lamar Advertising in Little Rock, because the only location available with the Seiz Sign Company  in Hot Springs (last year's vendor) was on Hwy 270 west of the city.

As a bonus for a nonproft client, the Knights of Columbus was given a second billboard by Lamar without charge at a location of its own  choosing.

Also, Council 10208 invited Benton Council 1987 to participate financially in the project, since one billboard is located in its city, and it would help the Council's visibility within its own community. 

The billboard on I-30 will have an exposure to 35,000 vehicles daily, while the one on Hwy 5 will reach 13,000 each day.   The billboards are contracted to remain through the end of December.
Pointing_fingerWe are still in need of people who are willing to run for the parish council under the areas of liturgy, social justice and charitable outreach, education and parish life. The parish council is a consultive body of people to the pastor.  Each of the areas of ministry mentioned here (and also finance and administration) meets as a committee to discuss matters pertaining to that area of ministry (usually with the pastor present).  It would be wonderful to see more parishioners coming to these committee meetings.  Ideally, it would be from the membership of these committees that potential parish council members would surface.  If you have any questions or want to know more, please call Fr. Bill Elser, 922-4024, or one of the current parish council members.  This is a great way to get to know more people and be active in the workings of the parish at Mass and in other venues.
Kathleen Geske, Sheila Harrison, Marilyn Shulte and Joyce Field
The 2010-2011 board members for Ladies of the Sacred Heart are (from left) vice president Kathleen Geske, president Sheila Harrison, secretary Marilyn Schulte, and treasurer Joyce Field.  The ladies guild meet the second Monday of the month immediately following daily Mass.  A brief meeting is conducted, followed by a program, and refreshments are served.  This organization is open to all ladies of the parish, and membership is encouraged. It’s a nice way to be involved in worthwhile programs and activities and meet new friends.  For more information, call Sheila Harrison at 922-1767.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church will offer a program this fall to study the Catholic faith for those who are interested in learning more.

The program is commonly called R.C.I.A., the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.

The program is designed to meet the needs of both Catholic and non-Catholics.

Non-Catholics who are interested in learning more about Catholic Christianity are encourage to participate.

Participation in the R.C.I.A program comes without any obligation to join the Catholic church or to participate in any church activities.

Catholics who haven't been active in the church recently and wish to explore returning to active participation will find the program helpful in examining the current teachings of the faith.

Currently active and participating Catholics are encouraged to participate as a way to learn more and to more deeply understand their faith. Through individual readings, Bible study and weekly group discussions the participants will focus on the Creed, the Sacraments, the Commandments and Prayer.

The program takes place here at the church, 295 Balearlic Rd., each Thursday (except for holidays) until Easter.   There is no cost or obligation involved in participation. Those interested in learning more about the program or would like to register should call Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer at 922-3283.
A prayer vigil will be held daily, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Little Rock Family Planning Services building at 4 Office Park Drive, from March 9 through April 17.  Visit for contact information or to sign-up for a prayer hour.  Sacred Heart of Jesus has been assigned Thursday, March 31 as our day of prayer.  There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for available prayer time slots either here in the chapel or in Little Rock.  Please take the time to give one hour of prayer to end abortion.  For information or questions call Rosemary Monarque at 501-781-6108.