Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
World Mission Sunday, observed on October 20 this year, is a powerful reminder of our call to be
missionaries. The collection taken up on this day is unique as it is mandated by the Code of
Canon Law and is essential for the survival and growth of the Church in mission territories. These
funds support the pastoral and evangelizing work of the Church, including building
churches, providing healthcare and education and trainig future priests and religious. In
places where resources are scarce, your generosity makes a profound difference. As we reflect on
the theme "Go and invite everyone to the banquet," let us remember that our participation and
support invite countless souls to the feast of God's love.
While we are always ready to help someone find out more about the Catholic Church and/or be formed
in the Catholic tradition toward a possible commitment through sacraments and initiation, the Fall
is a good time to get started! If you or someone you know is interested, please call Fr. Bill at
501 209-2502 for more information. It is always hoped that we can do this in a group setting with
multiple inquirers, so please respond soon.
Please mark your calendars for Friday, October 18 at 4:00 pm. Come join Fr. Bill to support Susan Giovengo, Chris Mullaney and Ike and Sonya Eisenhauer as they go "OverTheEdge" to raise funds for Jackson House. This event will take place in Hot Springs at 528 Central Avenue from the rooftop of Diablo's Mexican Restaurant.
At this time we have the following hours unfilled. These need at least one adorer assigned:

Mon. 2:30 am - 4:00 am Lori Vincent 337-654-2871
Wed. 2:30 am - 4:00 am 
Thu. 4:00 am - 5:00 am
Mon. 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm  Tue. 8:00 pm - 9:00 am Jerry/Alison Kordsmeyer 463-8325 or 282-2030
Sat. 8:00 am - 9:00 am Debbie Garrett 512-460-9903

Contact Mike Ritch regarding PEA 832 231-7469
In search of an inspiring movie? Formed has many available on their website. "Mother Teresa", a full-length movie featuring Golden Globe winner Olivia Hussey, is an example of the quality of acclaimed movies available. It portrays her life from the beginning of her ministry to her death. Referred to as one of the best faith and family movies, it has top notch acting. You can access it for free with our parish subscription. Just go to to register.
The Food Basket Ministry of Sacred Heart delivers Thanksgiving and Christmas food to families in our area who have been identified by Fountain Lake and Jessieville school counselors. In order to make these deliveries, we ask for volunteers to contact their assigned family and shop for food to provide for a nice holiday meal. Volunteers are then reimbursed, up to a budgeted amount, determined by family size. To be able to reimburse our volunteers, we ask for your donation during the special collection the weekend of October 26/27. If you would like to help, or with questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you for your time and monetary donations.
 Bill & Mary Lou George, 63 years on Oct. 14

 Frank & Traci Frati, 41 years on Oct. 19

* Call the church office to provide your anniversary date.
Just a reminder that Sacred Heart offers Electronic Giving. You can make donations online charging them to a credit card or debiting directly from your bank account. We hope this makes it easier for our parishioners to contribute. Here's how to set it up:

     1. Visit the church website at
     2. Locate the Give Online/IRA/Stocks link on the left side of the home page, then follow instruc-tions to           create your online profile and schedule your recurring contributions. Profile will include setting up a             password and the credit card or bank account you prefer to use. After that, you'll just need the                     password to enter.
     3. The next page will include all contributions you may choose to make. You can select monthly,                     weekly or a one-time contribution. We suggest that your Regular and Building Fund contributions               be done monthly on the same date each month, preferably the 5th or the 15th, to make it easier for             accounting and to reduce charges to the Church. The envelope contributions will be listed along with           the date on the envelope. This will enable you, if you wish, to schedule all of your contributions for               the year at one time.

We recommend that you save the Giving Page in your Favorites to make it easier to access. If you need help or have any questions, please contact Larry Stein at 501-226-5105 or 501-204-9074.
The October meeting for the Sacred Heart Men's Club will be on Tuesday Oct. 8 at 5:00 pm in the Lower Hall. All men or male spouses of a parish member are welcome to attend. Name badges are available for $12. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will take place at 5:00 pm followed by social time. The Refreshment Center will open upon the Chaplet's completion. The 6:00 pm dinner, catered by Chef Johnna, will be glazed pork chop with apple pecan wild rice stuffing, baby carrots, green salad, roll and a chocolate brownie sundae for dessert. Cost is $15. Don Levac, club member will discuss how maple is extracted from trees, processed and prepared for market. Please call 501 922-1767 or email your meal reservation to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5:00 pm Sunday, October 6. If you cancel or no show after the deadline you are still responsible for the meal cost.
Please include Fr. Bill in your prayers on October 2 as he celebrates his 65th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FR. BILL!!
The October 1 meeting will be in the Lower Hall with the praying of the Rosary at 5:00 pm. The Great Wall will be our caterer serving broccoli beef, General Tso chicken, fried rice and a shrimp dish. There is not a scheduled guest speaker for this meeting. Meal cost is $15. Deadline for online signup is Friday, September27 at 4:00 pm. If you have not registered online contact John Weidert 501 915-0719 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 4:00 pm Sunday, September 29.
Sara Pilgrim and Bill Patterson inspect the new plants recently added to the cemetery which will provide color next Spring. Old plants have been replaced and the sprinkler system expanded to keep everything green. With the help of Rick Martinek, the landscape is being refreshed before winter comes calling. Please consider the SHJ Cemetery in your family planning. Contact Gary Wolfer 501 922-3052 for availability.
Our Sociable Six program will return for the months of October, November and December 2024. This program is very simple and flexible. Three couples will be grouped together and then arrange among themselves to share a simple dinner, lunch or brunch at alternate homes, once each month. Participants will enjoy getting to know their fellow parishioners better in an informal setting. It is a great way for newcomers to get acquaint-ed with the members of their parish family. To sign up or is you have questions call Nancy or Howard Emery at 815-861-0820 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Pease provide your names, address, phone number and email address. Final signup date for this season is Sept. 29th. You will receive a letter/email with the three couples in your group the first week of October.
The Knights of Columbus would like to extend an invitation on Sunday, October 13, for a parish breakfast after both Masses. The meal includes scrambled eggs, sausage patties, biscuits & gravy, hash browns, juice, coffee, tea and water. The cost is a cash only good will offering. All proceeds are used to help K of C charitable activities throughout the year. Your support is greatly appreciated.
The annual pet blessing will take place this Friday, October 4 at 1:00 pm in the small church parking lot off Ponderosa. Please have your dogs on a leash and cats in a cage as we pray for the intercession of St. Francis for our pets. Invite your non-Catholic friends to join us with their pets too.
Saturday, October 12, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Lower Hall
We are grateful to have Stephen Binz, award winning author, biblical scholar and sought-after speaker for this special day. His ministry seeks to build bridges between the ancient world and contemporary life, sacred Scripture and personal spirituality with all its current challenges. Join us as we reflect on three messages:

   • A Biblical Understanding of the Eucharist
   • The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist
   • Becoming a Eucharistic Disciple of Jesus

Lunch provided by Chef Johnna will be butternut squash soup and apple cranberry chicken salad with Fr. Bill's ice cream for dessert. Donations to help cover the food cost are accepted and appreciated. Binz's many books will be available for purchase. Sign up in the Narthex between September 28 and October 6 or call the church office at 501 922-2062.