Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Spend a weekend away with your spouse discussing what really matters. Sign up for the upcoming WWME: February 9-11, 2024 Subiaco Coury House, Subiaco, AR. Receive all the tools you need to have the best marriage ever. $200/couple at or 501 733-1235. Early registration discount available.
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (also known as Candlemas Day) is Friday, February 2. You are invited to bring candles that will be blessed at the beginning of the 9:00 a.m. Mass in the Narthex (along with liturgical candles and household candles that can be purchased after Mass and over the weekend). Saturday, February 3 is the Memorial of St Blaise (as well as First Saturday). Throats will be blessed after the homily for those who participate in Mass.
The Fourth Degree Assembly 2316 meeting will be held Tuesday, January 23 in the Lower Hall. Praying the Rosary begins at 5:00 p.m. The evening meal will be Chicken Cordon Bleu with Bearnaise sauce, French peas with onion and bacon, twice baked potato, freshly baked yeast rolls and cake and pie for dessert. The Patriotic speaker for the night will be Greg Chastine, Director of the St Francis House. The meal cost is $12. There will be an email sent from Rick Darnell for online sign-up. With questions, contact Rick at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Women of Hope Day Retreat takes place Saturday, February 3, 2024 from 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Christ the King Catholic Church in Little Rock. Join us on a journey as we begin to discover how surrendering to the Lord brings healing to our hearts. There is a bonus Evening of Preparation Friday, February 2 from 5:0 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For information and registration go to
To everything there is a season and a time for every person to come to the small group study Jesus and the Eucharist! The Eucharistic Revival Core team has worked diligently to provide you with convenient (and interchangeable) times when each of us can come each week to participate. Times offered are Mondays 1-3 p.m., Wednesdays prior to 4:00 p.m. Mass and Wednesday evening after the Lenten Supper. Sign up this weekend! Why participate in the Sunday Holy Hour at 3:00 p.m.? Silent prayer, joined with the prayer of others, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament with more frequent reception of Reconciliation is all available to us. You are invited! Come and see how, in giving an hour, you will gain so much more.

We are in the thick of winter weather. Adorers are always encouraged to stay home if they feel unsafe on the roads. Please try to give ample notice to the adorer before & after you if you will not be coming so they will cover/uncover the monstrance or perhaps share your hour between them. *Please try to use the website when requesting a sub before calling leadership.

As Catholics, we are familiar with the Mass. However, do we really understand this sacred liturgy? Dr. Edward Sri with his talk on Formed, "A Scriptural Walk Through the Mass" takes us on am journey to help us fully appreciate and understand this sacred liturgy. He examines the historical and biblical roots within the Mass. Watch this video to more fully appreciate this important church prayer. New to the parish? Sign up for you free parish subscription by going to and registering.
Today our parish will take up the 139th annual National Black and Indian Mission Collection. Our support of this collection helps build the Church in African American, Native American and Alaska Native communities (including our diocese which received $29,200 from the collection last year). Schools, parish religious education programs and diocesan ministries depend on your generousity to help in spreading the Gospel! 
Dc Larry and family wish to thank all who attended or sent flowers and cards for Jan's funeral. The flowers really made the service very beautiful and meaningful. The cards comforted us and the many Masses offered will be of great benefit to Jan. Special thanks to Fr Bill, the Ushers, Choir, Lector, Altar Servers, 4th Degree Honor Guard and all who contributed to making her liturgy so beautiful and uplifting.
The February 6 meeting will be in the Lower Hall with the praying of the Rosary at 5:00 p.m. Dinner, catered by Home Plate, will be beef tips, mashed potatoes and broccoli with dessert from their new bakery!

The guest speaker topic will address our Prison Ministry. Sign up will be emailed on Thursday, Janaury 25. The sign up deadline is February 2 at 4:00 p.m. With questions, contact Mike Gonda at 501-226-3102 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Men's Club would like to thank all who contributed to our 50/50 fundraiser. Both boards sold out!! The numbers will be drawn January 29 by the Men's Club Board and distributed by email February 1.
Are you ready to explore your free parish subscription to FORMED? It is easy to manage since it is organized by subjects. Two interesitng presentations to get ready for Lent are found under "Faith and Science" and are about the Shroud of Turin. Fr Robert Spitzer, a Jesuit scientist and scholar, is a guest on "The Truth about the Shroud" on chris Stefanick's show. Another program on the Ben Akers show, "The Shroud of Turin" includes a talk with Fr Francis Peffley regarding the Shroud's authenticity. Go to to register.
THe Knights of Columbus will be serving a spaghetti dinner Saturday, January 27 after 4:00 p.m. Mass in the Lower Hall. Enjoy spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, roll, coffee and water. The Refreshment Center will be open as well. All net proceeds benefit charities. Sign up sheets, for planning purposes, are in the Narthex or contact Mike Gondoal at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Monday, January 22 is once again designated by the bishops of the United States as a day of prayer for the legal protection of the unborn. While we rejoice that Roe v Wade was overturned by the US Supreme Court, innocent lives continue to be threatened and killed in states that continue to allow abortion. Please come to Mass at 9:00 a.m. that day to pray the greatest prayer we have for this or any intention and/or pray at home or in our Adoration Chapel to the Lord for a change of hearts and laws to protect the unborn child!!
The Knights of Columbus will conduct an exemplification on Sunday, January 28 at 1:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall. The journey within the Knights progresses through three degrees; each symbolizing different aspects of the organization's mission. The Exemplification to the Third Degree marks the pinnacle of this journey, signifying a profound commitment to faith, family, community and life. We encourage all Brother Knights to atttend and show their support for our new Brother's journey into Knighthood.
Miracles do happen! The parish is invited to join the Knights for Mass on January 24th at 4:00 p.m. We will hear the sotry of an astounded young couple whose lives were changed because of prayer.

Also, at this mass, we will participate in a relic pilgrimage of Blessed Michael McGivney, model priest, Apostle of Charity and Founder of the Knights of Columbus. Bring your rosary and touch a Class 1 relic of this blessed visionary. Pray for the Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney. Let's fill the church with prayer and become part of a very special moment.
Harvey's Chapel Baptist Church in Mountain Pine is accepting donations of clothing, linens, small kitchen appliances, kitchen utensils and books. Please place your donations in the closet to the left of the church front doors. Deliveries to the church are made by Tom & Linda Luyett every Monday. If you are unable to deliver to church or have a larger donation or with questions please call Linda at 501-472-5113.