Our parish provides its parishioners with a subscription to Formed. This Lent sign up at www.FORMED.org. You can then access Symbolon which consists of two parts of ten different sessions meant to focus on knowing our faith and living it. One of these sessions is a discussion of "The Eucharist: Source and Summit", an excellent talk to access for the start of the Lenten season.
Mike & Ruth Kerwin, 57 years on February 24
Jerry & Jane Brandon, 49 years on February 28
Richard & Barbara Sweeney, 16 years on March 2
* Call the church office to provide your anniversary date.
Jerry & Jane Brandon, 49 years on February 28
Richard & Barbara Sweeney, 16 years on March 2
* Call the church office to provide your anniversary date.
The March 4 Knights of Columbus meeting will begin with praying the Chaplet Rosary at 5:00 pm in the Lower Hall. There will be an Exemplification at 4:30 pm in an SHJ classroom with possible two candidates. Our guest speaker will be Rose Baglia who sits on the Board of Guatemala Sana. This organization provides help to a town in the mountains consisting of poor Mayan people. The town name is Santa Maria de Jesus or Mother of Jesus. Scott Willis with Knights of Columbus Insurance and Investments will be avail-able for questions. Our caterer, Home Plate, will be serving chicken & sausage jambalaya, tossed salad w/homemade ranch or raspberry vinaigrette, Cajun maque choux (corn & vegetables), fresh baked French bread and chocolate chip bread pudding w/whiskey sauce for dessert. for dessert. Meal cost is $15. Please call or email Mark Leslie 501 226-0074 or popsleslie@verizon.net if you will be attending (bringing a guest?) and if you will have a meal no later than Saturday, March 1 at 5:00 pm. The meal count must be to Home Plate by Monday morning.
Harvey's Chapel Baptist Church Closet in Mountain Pine needs donations of clothing, kitchen utensils, linens, small appliances, and small household items to distribute at no charge to the needy within their community. Please use bags and boxes (not too large) and in good shape for the elderly handlers and place them in the closet to the left of the church's main entrance for pick up and delivery. For large donations or with questions or to arrange a pick-up please call 501 472-5113. Your ongoing generosity is greatly appreciated! Linda & Tom Luyet
Announcing the LOSH Charity Golf Scramble! Open to ALL golfers, Monday April 28 at Isabella Golf Course. Shotgun start at 9:30 am.
4 person teams: all men, all women or mixed. $100 per person. Visit www.hsvlosh.com for the online reservation form and additional information.
Hole sponsorships are available for $100 and feature a sign with your name or business name and logo. A list of all sponsors is given to each golfer. For other sponsorship opportunities, please email loshfundrais-ing.shj@gmail.com or contact Marie Hylden.
4 person teams: all men, all women or mixed. $100 per person. Visit www.hsvlosh.com for the online reservation form and additional information.
Hole sponsorships are available for $100 and feature a sign with your name or business name and logo. A list of all sponsors is given to each golfer. For other sponsorship opportunities, please email loshfundrais-ing.shj@gmail.com or contact Marie Hylden.
"But I will show you a more excellent way." (1 Corinthians 13:1). Love never fails. It is so much more than a mere emotion. Love opens our hearts (and our lives) and allows us to selflessly consider others ahead of our own needs, wants and desires. The same selfless love brought Jesus to the cross and it calls each of us to follow Him by reaching out to others that are in need. The Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal is a way for each of us to share in God's incredible love for the world by giving your financial support to others that need it so much. Become a CASA supporter today. Return your CASA gift/pledge in the envelopes that were sent to your home or those provided at the church.
Your 2024 Contribution Statements will be available for pick up at the church office, beginning January 31, Tuesday through Friday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm or call the office 501 922-2062 to request your statement be mailed.
Announcing the 17th Annual Knight's of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament benefitting St. John's School student financial assistance. There are currently 28 students that are experiencing a superb education due to this charity. Since the beginning of this event, over 330 children have been helped by this charitable donation. This year the tournament is scheduled to take place on July 12, 2025 at the Granada Golf Course. Please enter as soon as possible in order to guarantee a spot. Six teams missed out last year! Entry forms are on the credenza in the A & E hallway or can be obtained from the Sacred Heart website at www.hsvsacredheart.com or the HSV K of C website at www.hsvkofc.org. . This tournament cannot be successful without the wonderful business and individual hole sponsor support. With interest in being a hole sponsor or donor, the sponsorships begin as low as $100. For any tournament, sponsor/donor or entry information please contact Scott Krantz at 512 626-7711 or scojean@yahoo.com.
Don't miss the stories that matter to your faith. Arkansas Catholic, your award winning diocesan newspaper, brings you inspiring local Catholic news, thoughtful commentary and spiritual enrichment every week. For less than the cost of a monthly streaming service, you can have Arkansas Catholic delivered right to your door all year long. The print edition is only $32/year ($30 for seniors).
February offer for New Subscribers: subscribe to the print edition and receive a FREE copy of "Lenten Gospel Reflections 2025" by Bishop Robert Barron - a perfect companion to your Lenten journey. Visit www.arkansas-catholic.org or call 501 664-0125 or receive the free digital version at https://digital.arkansas-catholic.org and sign up for free. A stronger faith connection is just a subscription away.
February offer for New Subscribers: subscribe to the print edition and receive a FREE copy of "Lenten Gospel Reflections 2025" by Bishop Robert Barron - a perfect companion to your Lenten journey. Visit www.arkansas-catholic.org or call 501 664-0125 or receive the free digital version at https://digital.arkansas-catholic.org and sign up for free. A stronger faith connection is just a subscription away.
This weekend the special collection will be taken up in parishes across Arkansas for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. These countries and the former Soviet Union endured decades of communist oppression. Also emerging from the years of communist rule is the church, which suffered grave wounds to its spiritual life and its ability to serve. Now, it is vigorously involved in rebuilding the faith of its people. Proceeds from this collection, sponsored by the bishops of the United States, are used for things such as supporting religious education programs, training seminarians, expanding social ministries and rebuilding churches, convents and schools. For more information, contact the Stewardship and Development Office at 501 664-0340.
Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me.
For you are my rock, my stronghold!
Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name.
cf. Psalm 31 (30):3-4
For you are my rock, my stronghold!
Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name.
cf. Psalm 31 (30):3-4
The next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive supported by the K of C and hosted by Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Rd., is 8:00 am -2:00 pm Tuesday, March 4, 2025. There is an urgent need for blood at this time. Previous donors with emails have been sent an email reminder. New donors may contact Debbie at 913 209-8571. Thank you in advance for your "gift of life."
Join Voices Rising for an afternoon of nostalgia. Revisit the days of sock hops, AM radio and the music of your life as this 17 voice ensemble shares golden oldies such as "I Only Have Eyes For You" and "Too Marvelous For Words", "The Banana Boat Song", Mister Bojan-gles" and "Do Wah Diddy Diddy!" The show is Sunday, February 16 at 3:00 pm at the Village Bible Church. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for children. See Bill Lamoureux or Maureen Morgan for tickets. You may also purchase at the door prior to the concert. See you there!
This is a new program. Improve your driving skills and be a safe driver. The program will take place Friday,
February 28, 2025 from 11:00 - 3:30 pm in the Upper Hall. Sign up for this one day course in the A & E
Hallway. On program day bring your Driver's License and AARP card along with a CHECK payable for $20. Non AARP members should bring a check for $25. Contact Gene Widlowski at 501 922-4145 with questions. Upon course completion, you may qualify for a discount on your auto insurance.
February 28, 2025 from 11:00 - 3:30 pm in the Upper Hall. Sign up for this one day course in the A & E
Hallway. On program day bring your Driver's License and AARP card along with a CHECK payable for $20. Non AARP members should bring a check for $25. Contact Gene Widlowski at 501 922-4145 with questions. Upon course completion, you may qualify for a discount on your auto insurance.
The next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive supported by the K of C and hosted by Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Rd., is 8:00 am -2:00 pm Tuesday, March 4, 2025. There is an urgent need for blood at this time. Previous donors with emails have been sent an email reminder. New donors may contact Debbie at 913 209-8571. Thank you in advance for your "gift of life."
Join us here at the church 10 minutes prior to all Masses this weekend in order to learn the balance of the new Mass music.