Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
 Rick & Marilyn Allen, 30 years on March 11

 Jack & Deb Troxel, 22 years on March 15

* Call the church office to provide your anniversary date.
Give us this day our daily bread. For most of us, this is not our most pressing daily concern. We will not wonder what we will find to eat or where we will sleep tonight. One of the best expressions of gratitude that we can show for all blessings that we enjoy each day form God's providential hand is to share our "bread" with those who do not have enough of their own. Please consider becoming a supporter of the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal. Together we can make a difference right here at home. Return your pledges in the provided envelopes.
All Sacred Heart men are invited to attend our annual retreat March 17-20. Details and sign up sheets are available in the Narthex. Our popular retreat leader, Fr. Stephen Gadberry, will be return-ing. The cost is only $225 which covers 8 meals and 3 nights in a private room at St. John's Center in Little Rock. This is a great opportunity to improve your relationship with Jesus! Contact Ed Doyle for details at 501 922-5771.
The next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive supported by the K of C and hosted by Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Rd., is 8:00 am -2:00 pm Tuesday, March 4, 2025. There is an urgent need for blood at this time. Previous donors with emails have been sent an email reminder. New donors may contact Debbie at 913 209-8571. Thank you in advance for your "gift of life."
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Club invites you to a sit-down dinner on Friday, March 7 at 5:00 pm in the Lower Hall.

Enjoy: Chopped green salad and rolls, parmesan lemon butter baked whitefish, wild rice pilaf and asparagus. LOSH Guild 8 will be offering dessert. Sign up for the dinner before or after 4:00 pm Mass Saturday, Feb. 22 or Sunday Feb. 23. The sheet will remain for the week with sign ups concluding Tuesday, March 3. You may also call or email Bob Bowman at 501 922-6619 or All monies need to be received by March 4. Please make checks payable for $17 per person to: Sacred Heart of Jesus and on the memo indicate Men's Club Fish Bake. Mail to: Bob Bowman 16 Isabella Way, HSV, AR 71909. This event is a major fundraiser for SHJ Men's Club.
Experience part of your Lenten and Easter faith journey by participating in seven ses-sions of "Jesus and the Eucharist," produced by the Eucharistic Revival and shown for the first time last spring. This masterful video series is modern and engaging and presented by well known clergy and lay ministers who teach and inspire. Ordinary folks also share their faith experiences. General Kevin Chilton, an astronaut, even shares how his Catholic faith was deepened by space travel! There are also periodic breaks to share small group thoughts and insights. Please consider signing up in the Narthex next weekend February 22/23. One of the best fasts we can choose in Lent is a personal time fast to grow closer to the Lord. We will skip Holy Week.

 Mondays 1 - 3:00 pm March 10, 17, 24, 31; April 7, 21, 28 (those at the golf scramble can attend ei-ther Wednesday session)
 Wednesdays 1:30 - 3:30 pm March 12, 19, 26; April 2,9, 23, 30
 Wednesdays 5:20 pm - 7:20 pm after 4:00 pm Mass (daily Mass Liturgy) and the Lenten Suppers

Jesus is always inviting us to journey deeper with Him every day. Invite someone to journey with Jesus and you too!

For additional information contact Lou Ann Kemper or text 469 323-2505. Please identify yourself if you leave a message.
It's time to collect your old palms. You may bring in any that you have and place them in the marked container in the Narthex in order to be properly disposed.
There is a need for regular Adorers on Monday from 12:00 - 1:00 am (until April 1) and 2:30 - 4:00 am, Thursday 4 - 5:00 am and Saturday 12:00 - 1:00 am.

Contact Mike Ritch regarding PEA 832 231-7469
The Sacred Heart Rosary Makers have sent out almost 140,000 rosaries around the world. Each week, the Rosary Makers meet to turn in the rosaries that were made at home. These are then checked one by one prior to packaging and shipping. We currently average about 600 rosaries monthly. We invite you to join our mission. Please call Marge Newburn at 501 922-9047 for additional information.
Announcing the LOSH Charity Golf Scramble! Open to ALL golfers, Monday April 28 at Isabella Golf Course. Shotgun start at  9:30 am.

4 person teams: all men, all women or mixed. $100 per person. Visit for the online reservation form and additional information.
Hole sponsorships are available for $100 and feature a sign with your name or business name and logo. A list of all  sponsors is given to each golfer. For other sponsorship opportunities, please email or contact Marie Hylden.
 Robert & Monica Hahn, 3 years on March 7
 Jerry & Alison Kordsmeier, 50 years on March 8

* Call the church office to provide your anniversary
There will be two Masses, one at 9:00 am and one at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, March 5 with the distribution of ashes. Please make one a priority to begin your Lenten journey.

This 4th Degree exemplification will be held Saturday, March 8, 2025 in the Lower Hall. Schedule as follows:

 1:30 pm Registration
 2:15 pm Exemplification
 4:00 pm Mass

A reception with drinks and hors d'oeveres will be held in the Lower Hall following Mass.

This is a great opportunity here at Sacred Heart to join the 4th Degree Assembly in honoring God and country. Any candidates and potential candidates for 4th Degree exemplification contact Russell Tessier at 225 955-4596. We encourage our brother Knights to attend in support of our candidates.
This is a new program. Improve your driving skills and be a safe driver. The program will take place Friday, February 28, 2025 from 11:00 - 3:30 pm in the Upper Hall. Sign up for this one day course in the A & E Hallway. On program day bring your Driver's License and AARP card along with a CHECK payable for $20. Non AARP members should bring a check for $25. Contact Gene Widlowski at 501 922-4145 with questions. Upon course completion, you may qualify for a discount on your auto insurance.
The Knights of Columbus will be serving a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, March 1 after 4:00 pm Mass in the Church Lower Hall. Come enjoy spaghetti and meatballs with sauce, salad, garlic bread, coffee and water. The refreshment center will be open and carry outs will be available. This dinner's price is a Good Will offering. All net proceeds benefit local Knight's charities. There are sign up sheets in the Narthex for planning purposes or contact Mike Gonda at for more information.
Do you play the piano or a keyboard instrument? You don't need to be a virtuoso to be a member of our Saturday Night choir. Sing or not, your talents will be greatly appreciated helping us to present our very best music and leading our congregation in praise of our Savior. We practice for an hour every Thursday afternoon and meet an hour prior to Mass on Saturdays. There is no pressure as we have the music at least one week in advance. Please allow us to welcome you into our group and to increase your participation in the Mass. Contact Diane Patterson 501 922-6965 today.