In addition to its many resources on the Bible and Catholic teachings and traditions, has programs that address the practical problems we encounter as we try daily to live our faith. From simple suggestions to improve our attentiveness at the sacrifice of the Mass (If Your Mind Wanders at Mass, an audio book) to an inspiring talk by Jeff Cavins on the meaning of suffering in our lives (15 Things to Do in the Midst of Suffering), FORMED's resources can provide insights that enable us to deal more effectively with the challenges we face as practicing Catholics.
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can access these resources in the search bar on the homepage. If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials.
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can access these resources in the search bar on the homepage. If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials.
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Come out of the summer heat and join fellow Catholics (including all three pastors from area parishes) from Hot Springs and Hot Springs Village area for a fun Catholic summer bowling league at Fiesta Bowl at 3817 North Highway 7, a mile before the West Gate entrance to Hot Springs Village. It will happen on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. starting on May 31 and ending August 30. This is a team competition (three or four on a team), but you can sign-up as an individual and we'll put you on a team.There was a problem loading image 'images/stories/2018/Head_Shots/Bowling_Friends.jpg'
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The cost is $13 each week which includes three games of bowling and prize money that will be given out at the end of the league. Bowling is by handicap which means persons of all skill levels can be competitive with each other. We also need substitute bowlers who can bowl when a regular cannot come.
Please commit to a summer of fun by calling 501-922-2062 extension 11, and signing up with people of your choice on your team or as an individual or as a substitute by Tuesday, May 29. Please leave your name and phone number if nobody answers when you call.
Vatican II decreed that the sacrament previously known as "extreme unction" be renamed to "Anointing of the Sick." Hence, as soon as any one of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for that person to receive the sacrament has already arrived.
The next Sacrament of Anointing will be offered during the First Friday Mass on June 1. If you have a chronic or serious sickness, or are advanced in years, you can receive this sacrament. If you qualify, you are encouraged to receive the sacrament quarterly.
The next Sacrament of Anointing will be offered during the First Friday Mass on June 1. If you have a chronic or serious sickness, or are advanced in years, you can receive this sacrament. If you qualify, you are encouraged to receive the sacrament quarterly.
The 19th annual Corpus Christi Procession that goes from St. John's Church to St. Mary's in downtown Hot Springs takes place this Sunday, June 3, beginning at 3:30 p.m. at St. John's Church on Grand Avenue
The one and one-quarter mile procession with the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance leading the way is a wonderful way to bring one of the greatest mysteries of our faith literally to people on the streets as we profess our belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Water will be provided along the route and Benediction will take place when the procession arrives at St. Mary's.
The one and one-quarter mile procession with the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance leading the way is a wonderful way to bring one of the greatest mysteries of our faith literally to people on the streets as we profess our belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Water will be provided along the route and Benediction will take place when the procession arrives at St. Mary's.
The Tenth Annual Golf Tournament, as sponsored by the Hot Springs and Hot Springs Village Knights of Columbus Councils, will be held Saturday, June 16, 2018 at the beautiful Lake DeGray Golf Course.
The Knights of Columbus are looking for players and sponsors for this event. Please pick up a registration form from the hallways of the Administration and Education Building. Cost is $85 per person or $340 per team to play 18 holes as a four-person scramble with a 9:00 a.m. tee time. A barbeque lunch at the end of the round is also included. All single players contact Ralph Melenson so he can put a team together. Please make checks payable to the Knights of Columbus and mail to Hans Purkott at the address listed on the registration form. For additional information, call Sacred Heart Parishioner Ralph Melenson at 915-0303.
The Knights of Columbus are looking for players and sponsors for this event. Please pick up a registration form from the hallways of the Administration and Education Building. Cost is $85 per person or $340 per team to play 18 holes as a four-person scramble with a 9:00 a.m. tee time. A barbeque lunch at the end of the round is also included. All single players contact Ralph Melenson so he can put a team together. Please make checks payable to the Knights of Columbus and mail to Hans Purkott at the address listed on the registration form. For additional information, call Sacred Heart Parishioner Ralph Melenson at 915-0303.
Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, June 5, in the Lower Hall with the recitation of the rosary at 5:00 p.m. and dinner around 5:45 p.m. Members and their wives are encouraged to attend, as the new Leadership Team under Grand Knight-Elect Ed Doyle, is installed. The meal will include Top Sirloin Steak, Vegetable Medley, Baked Potato, roll and Father Bill's ice cream for dessert. Our Council will cover the cost of this event. Reservations must be submitted no later than May 31.
Please e-mail your reservations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone Art Morrissette at 915-8021 by Thursday, May 31. Please indicate whether or not your wife will attend.
Please e-mail your reservations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone Art Morrissette at 915-8021 by Thursday, May 31. Please indicate whether or not your wife will attend.
Give us this day our daily bread. For most of us, this is not our most pressing daily concern. We will not wonder what we will find to eat or where we will sleep tonight.
One of the best expressions of gratitude that we can show for all the blessings that we enjoy each day from God's providential hand is to share some of our "bread" with those who don't have enough of their own. Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of CASA. Together, we can make a difference right here at home. Return your CASA Gift/pledge in the envelopes provided.
One of the best expressions of gratitude that we can show for all the blessings that we enjoy each day from God's providential hand is to share some of our "bread" with those who don't have enough of their own. Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of CASA. Together, we can make a difference right here at home. Return your CASA Gift/pledge in the envelopes provided.
As we enter the month of May and look forward to the celebration of Mother's Day, we may wish to think particularly about the Virgin Mary and her role as the Mother of the Redeemer. offers many opportunities to learn about the unique place of Mary in Christian history and the Church. One program, a 12-part series of videos, The Bible and the Virgin Mary: Journey Through Scripture, includes compelling narrations about Mary as well as accompanying participant guides for each video that allow viewers to reflect further on the video's content. For those who cannot make a commitment to a series, there is the Knights of Columbus video called Guadalupe: The Miracle and the Message that shows how a miraculous event of the past can continue to have a transformative effect today.
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can access these resources in the search bar on the home page by entering the title you want. If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials. offers many opportunities to learn about the unique place of Mary in Christian history and the Church. One program, a 12-part series of videos, The Bible and the Virgin Mary: Journey Through Scripture, includes compelling narrations about Mary as well as accompanying participant guides for each video that allow viewers to reflect further on the video's content. For those who cannot make a commitment to a series, there is the Knights of Columbus video called Guadalupe: The Miracle and the Message that shows how a miraculous event of the past can continue to have a transformative effect today.
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can access these resources in the search bar on the home page by entering the title you want. If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials.
Fletcher Hall at the Diocese of Little Rock is in need of clean upholstered chairs which will be used in the newly-remodeled bedrooms. These rooms will be used for overnight retreats, priest continuing education, deacon formation classes, and other religious events held for adults and youth. If you have a chair to donate, please contact Bob Honzik, 922-2702, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also contact Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer at 922-3283 or e-mail to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Paula Doyle, a certified spiritual director since 2001 and Sacred Heart parishioner, is again offering to accompany you on your spiritual journey, now in a private practice from her home. There is no charge for the first visit, and subsequent sessions are subject to a nominal fee. If you are interested or have questions, please call Paula at 922-5771 or transmit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a Memorial Day program and reception for all parishioners on Monday, May 28. The program will consist of the Patriotic Rosary at 8:30 a.m., Mass at 9:00 a.m. and a procession to the Columbarium and a blessing for our Deceased buried there. A reception will follow in the Upper Hall. Other than food and fellowship, this is not a planned program.
The next blood drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church at 200 Carmona Road, is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 8, 2018. The church is located near the intersection of Carmona Road and DeSoto Boulevard. Contact Connie Shoemaker at 922-4891 to schedule an appointment. Please donate a gift of life!
Parishioners, we could use your help! For the past SEVEN years Ed Aucoin and Bill Taylor have been managing the Knights of Columbus Blood Drive. We are now at a point where we would like to continue with the every other month Blood Drive: however, we need to give the current volunteers some relief. As a result, we need one or two parishioners who would be able to pitch-in for a few hours every other month to help us out in checking-in people waiting to give blood.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parishioenrs make up about 65% of the donors and as a parish, we do receive some benefits from the Arkansas Blood Institute. We don't want to lost those important benefits if we can't participate in the program.
If you have questions or would like to volunteer, e-mail Rick Darnell (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or call 1-602-418-7035.
Thank you for helping us continue this important program.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parishioenrs make up about 65% of the donors and as a parish, we do receive some benefits from the Arkansas Blood Institute. We don't want to lost those important benefits if we can't participate in the program.
If you have questions or would like to volunteer, e-mail Rick Darnell (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or call 1-602-418-7035.
Thank you for helping us continue this important program.
Parish Life, with the help of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart, will be sponsoring dinner for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 8, 2018 at 6:15 p.m. after the 5:00 p.m. Mass. Dinner will be catered by Corky's Ribs and BBQ. Dinner menu includes pulled pork, chopped chicken and smoked sausage. There will also be coleslaw, baked beans, and potato salad. Dessert (to be announced) will also be available.
Sign-up sheets will be in the narthex beginning Saturday, May 26, until Sunday, June 3. Please join us for delicious food and fellowship while we celebrate The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
If you have questions, please call Jennifer Rivera at 928-358-9069 or Sherrie Nichols at 617-733-1395.
Sign-up sheets will be in the narthex beginning Saturday, May 26, until Sunday, June 3. Please join us for delicious food and fellowship while we celebrate The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
If you have questions, please call Jennifer Rivera at 928-358-9069 or Sherrie Nichols at 617-733-1395.