Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Fr. McGivneyPlease put Wednesday, March 28, on your calendar to celebrate Founder's Day.  Knights of Council 10208 are respectively asked to pray the rosary together at 8:30 a.m. that day and to attend the Mass that follows.  We will receive Holy Communion together.

Founder's Day celebrates the life of Father Michael J. McGivney who founded the Knights of Columbus which is two milion members strong and growing.  We honor Father McGivney's memory with recitation of the rosary, Mass and Corporate Coummunion.  A reception with finger food will follow the Mass.

Brothers, you are encouraged to wear a Knight's shirts or jacket, and/or name tag.  Let's sit together in unity and fraternity.  May God's grace inspire you to join your brothers for this event.