Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
formed logo semiboldAs we think about and prepare for Holy Thursday, the first day of the Triduum, we might wish to make use of resources that have not been available to us in prior years. offers a wealth of material for us to consider:  both the "Lectio" series and the "Symbolon" series include studies of the Eucharist.  "The Body and Blood of Christ" and "The Lamb's Supper" are two audio programs dealing with the institution and place of the Eucharist in our lives as Catholics.  These and many other resources aimed at enlarging our understanding of the Eucharist and its primacy in our liturgies can be found through a search of the FORMED website.

If you haven't yet registered as a FORMED user, just go to the Sacred Heart website and click on FORMED in the menu on the left-hand side of the homepage, or type into your browser to access the FORMED homepage.  Then enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you easy access to its library of materials.