Have you ever left someone out, inadvertently, from a list of Thank You's that you have expressed, either in public or in some other way? I have found that happening to me recently in two instances. The first was in my pastor's column when I was thanking the choirs we have and our Organist and Choir Director Lynne Border, for all their hard work, both before and during Masses week after week throughout the year. I want to apologize now to our wonderful cantors for not including them in that same pastor's column. I certainly want to express my sincere thanks for their efforts in leading the singing and in doing solo work at other times during Mass. Secondly, at one of the Masses last weekend, I spoke of the number of funerals we have had here since the first of the year and thanked those involved in our bereavement ministry. In this expression of thanks, I mentioned specifically, the Ladies of the Sacred Heart and their efforts to provide a reception of food and drink for the families of the deceased - as well as anyone who participated inthe funeral I forgot to also thank by name, our wonderful Resurrection Choir members and Lynne for combined efforts in leading the singing at funeral Masses. They are a real blessing to the family and all who participate in the Mass. I also realize in both instances, I should have firstly expressed thanks to God because all good comes from God's graces and inspiration. We all should strive to be thankful people and express thanks to those who are a blessing to us, and to others on an ongoing basis. The one person we should NEVER forget when we pass out the thanks is God, from Whom and through Whom, all blessings flow. I pray that all of us will remember to give thanks to God often and every day in our prayers and in daily actions that say "Thank You" for blessings received and the greatest blessing yet to come, eternal life, in our true home in heaven. Amen!!!!
Last weekend's homily revealed the salesman in me as I promoted everyone getting a yearly subscription to the "Give Us This Day" monthly periodical which contains prayers, scripture readings from daily and weekend Masses, and reflections on the readings from some holy and learned people of the past and some who are living today. It also gives a once-a-day biographical sketch of a virtuous, Christ-like person for our edification and imitation.
Unlike people who promote items in television commercials who may or may not use the product they are selling, I can tell you that I use "Give Us This Day" almost everyday, and find it beneficial to my life in Christ in a way that other periodicals I have used did not. Please consider joining in on our bulk subscription which is $20 for one year (beginning in July).
We put the booklets out about two weeks before the start of the new month on a table in the narthex for you to pick up and mark your name off the list indicating that you have picked up your copy. While 140 people subscribed this past year, I hope and pray that even more will use this daily tool to grow in our spritual lives and in our under standing of God's word.
You can sign-up and place your $20 in the basket in the narthex (putting paid by your name) or your can call the office, 922-2062, and leave your name with Linda Daniels at extension 10, and either mail in your $20, or drop it by the office during working hours: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Believe me, it will be money and time well spent!
Unlike people who promote items in television commercials who may or may not use the product they are selling, I can tell you that I use "Give Us This Day" almost everyday, and find it beneficial to my life in Christ in a way that other periodicals I have used did not. Please consider joining in on our bulk subscription which is $20 for one year (beginning in July).
We put the booklets out about two weeks before the start of the new month on a table in the narthex for you to pick up and mark your name off the list indicating that you have picked up your copy. While 140 people subscribed this past year, I hope and pray that even more will use this daily tool to grow in our spritual lives and in our under standing of God's word.
You can sign-up and place your $20 in the basket in the narthex (putting paid by your name) or your can call the office, 922-2062, and leave your name with Linda Daniels at extension 10, and either mail in your $20, or drop it by the office during working hours: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Believe me, it will be money and time well spent!
The countdown has begun . . . for many students who are anxious for the school year to come to an end. After a long year (more like nine months of school), they are ready for a break. Perhaps the same can be said for members of choirs who attend weekly practices starting in August or September and sing at Mass each weekend and at special Masses.
Both choirs will take a break from practices during the summer. I encourage you to thank them for their faithfulness and the consistent hard work they put in to sing with us and for us at Mass. I certainly plan to do so myself. While we are at it, let's also thank our faithful ushers who are attentive to their duties throughout the year. They arrive early for Mass, stay later than most and are gracious helpers and ministers of hospitality before, during and after Mass.
Just to let you know, we are having a music appreciation dinner for all who serve in this ministry and their spouses on May 29. We are also going to have an usher appreciation dinner for our ushers and their spouses in the near future.
Lest I get in trouble, I certainly want to express my appreciation to those who rotate in serving in other liturgical ministries of altar service, lector, extraordinary ministers of Communion and Gift Bearers. Your effort is a blessing to us and serves the Lord Whom we love.
Both choirs will take a break from practices during the summer. I encourage you to thank them for their faithfulness and the consistent hard work they put in to sing with us and for us at Mass. I certainly plan to do so myself. While we are at it, let's also thank our faithful ushers who are attentive to their duties throughout the year. They arrive early for Mass, stay later than most and are gracious helpers and ministers of hospitality before, during and after Mass.
Just to let you know, we are having a music appreciation dinner for all who serve in this ministry and their spouses on May 29. We are also going to have an usher appreciation dinner for our ushers and their spouses in the near future.
Lest I get in trouble, I certainly want to express my appreciation to those who rotate in serving in other liturgical ministries of altar service, lector, extraordinary ministers of Communion and Gift Bearers. Your effort is a blessing to us and serves the Lord Whom we love.