Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The saying, "It's not like it used to be" can be uttered with a positive or negative tone, depending on the subject matter and one's perspective.  Having gone to the March for many years, I witnessed a few negatives about the recently-held March for Life in Little Rock, but they are far outweighed by the positives.

The Walk is not as long, which has its positives and negatives.  The number of peple gathering for the Walk seems to be down which, though not good, has a good side to it.  Perhaps those who have gone in the past realize that great strides have been made in the Pro-Life movement, and they don't sense the same urgency to attend.  After seeing all of the elected officials present, from our new governor to our senators and representatives who were there, it is clear that we have reached a point where MANY elected officials are attending the March, and most are working hard to present and promote Pro-Life legislation; which, on the state level, the governor says he will sign.  We have, indeed, come a long way from the early days of the March to the state capitol when religious leaders, like our bishop, were always present, but elected officials and those running for office, were not.  Hearts have changed in these people and in many within the electorate who have elected Pro-Life (or at least you can say, anti-abortion) candidates.  More laws need to change and still many hearts need to change that will lead to truly Pro-Life people who respect and promote life from conception until natural death.

I applaud all those from our parish who gave up most of their Sunday to "stand for" life.  Let's thank the Lord for the progress that's been made, and pray for more strides ahead in the future.  God's way will always and ultimately prevail!