The countdown has begun . . . for many students who are anxious for the school year to come to an end. After a long year (more like nine months of school), they are ready for a break. Perhaps the same can be said for members of choirs who attend weekly practices starting in August or September and sing at Mass each weekend and at special Masses.
Both choirs will take a break from practices during the summer. I encourage you to thank them for their faithfulness and the consistent hard work they put in to sing with us and for us at Mass. I certainly plan to do so myself. While we are at it, let's also thank our faithful ushers who are attentive to their duties throughout the year. They arrive early for Mass, stay later than most and are gracious helpers and ministers of hospitality before, during and after Mass.
Just to let you know, we are having a music appreciation dinner for all who serve in this ministry and their spouses on May 29. We are also going to have an usher appreciation dinner for our ushers and their spouses in the near future.
Lest I get in trouble, I certainly want to express my appreciation to those who rotate in serving in other liturgical ministries of altar service, lector, extraordinary ministers of Communion and Gift Bearers. Your effort is a blessing to us and serves the Lord Whom we love.
Both choirs will take a break from practices during the summer. I encourage you to thank them for their faithfulness and the consistent hard work they put in to sing with us and for us at Mass. I certainly plan to do so myself. While we are at it, let's also thank our faithful ushers who are attentive to their duties throughout the year. They arrive early for Mass, stay later than most and are gracious helpers and ministers of hospitality before, during and after Mass.
Just to let you know, we are having a music appreciation dinner for all who serve in this ministry and their spouses on May 29. We are also going to have an usher appreciation dinner for our ushers and their spouses in the near future.
Lest I get in trouble, I certainly want to express my appreciation to those who rotate in serving in other liturgical ministries of altar service, lector, extraordinary ministers of Communion and Gift Bearers. Your effort is a blessing to us and serves the Lord Whom we love.