Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Last weekend I spoke before Mass about those who are sick, especially with fever, not feeling obligated to come to Mass on Saturday night or Sunday.  It is definitely not a sin to miss Mass due to serious sickness, whether that sickness is the flu or some other upper respiratory problem or anything that could be passed on to someone else.  If you are sick and come to Mass, there's always the possibility of something happening during Mass where you would need help.  Fortunately our ushers are trained in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and at many Masses there is a nurse who's ready to step in when needed.

Since I'm talking about sickness, I would remind you that if you have to miss Mass for more than a few Sundays due to illness or recovery from an illness, we have people who are trained and ready to bring you Communion at your home.  We all need to stay connected to Jesus in this most intimate of ways and either I, one of the deacons, or one of our Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, want to help you remain connected to Jesus and our faith community-even if you are unable to come back to Mass due to sickness or weakness due to age.  Call Marge Stehling at 922-3837 to arrange for someone to come to see you at  home or at one of our rehabilitation centers.  Finally, please let me know if you are going into the hospital and/or if you are going to have a serious surgery so I can offer the Anointing of the Sick, and come to see you if you are in the hospital.  Father George lets me know some days who of our parishioners are in St. Vincent's hospital in Hot Springs, but sometimes he doesn't get a complete list of Catholics; and, there is no one at National Park Hospital to inform me when we have parishioners there.  My cell phone number (which is always on the front of the bulletin) is 501-209-2502.  Thanks for helping us in the important ministers of reaching out in the name of Jesus to those who are sick and/or infirmed.