Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
In case you're wondering, our American Bishops have not gone quiet with regard to threats against religious liberty that have happened and no doubt will continue to happen.  This is a time for us to be properly informed by the Church and then, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, act in unity to work against this threat.l  I invite you to go to the website:  Read the document that was developed by the Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops which, among other things, lists concern that have led the bishops to act now and to call us to action, to protect this long-standing and important freedom in our country.
At this time of year, I am humbled by those who speak so favorably of our Triduum Services and the spiritual graces they received from them.  I turn my attention to The Lord in thanks for all those who joined me in preparation for the Triduum and in the actual liturgies that the Church gave us during this special time.  These obviously include the ministers on the altar, our ushers, gift bearers and music ministers who put much time and effort before and during our liturgies (which were beautiful and meaningful).  I also want to thank Bill Hurley, Mickey Townsend, and all those who helped with the Holy Thursday dinner and the reception after the Easter Vigil liturgy.  Their efforts to feed us with good food in a hospitable and efficient way, are very much appreciated.  May God bless all of you abundantly in this Easter season for your generosity of time and talent for The Lord and His people.  On a personal note, I want to thank those who remembered me with Easter cards, greetings, and gifts of delicious food.
Easter is truly a time to REJOICE because THE LORD IS RISEN.  He is the king of Kings and Lord of Lords, who calls us to rejoice and then to act each day of our lives in His name, following His way that leads ultimately, to our own resurrectional life.  I give thanks that so many people in this faith-filled parish praise The Lord in worship and live in service to the Gospel.  If you are not one of them, I pray that The Lord will inspire you to step out in new ways to enter into an ever-deepening relationship with Him.  The joy, peace and inspiration of Easter and the Easter season, can be sustained all the time.  Just ask the Spirit of the Risen Lord to work in you and through you, to touch the lives of others. God bless you.