Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Over the past 25 years of my priesthood, I have come to a greater and I believe, a deeper appreciation for the importance of the "Easter Triduum" which begins annually on Holy Thursday evening and only through the unique and special liturgies of those days, but also through the "retreat-like" setting of those days, we are renewed in our baptismal identity and calling as a Christian.  I am also reminded of the gifts that Jesus gave us through the experience of His passion, death and resurrection, especially the gift of eternal life with Him.  Over the next three Wednesdays, instead of showing a video after our soup and sandwich meal, I am going to give a presentation on the Triduum that I hope will inspire and encourage you to participate actively in the Easter Triduum which is coming up in less than a month (April 5-8).  Please allow The Lord this time and space to touch your mind and heart through these presentations.