After having four funeral Masses in the span of nine days, I was reminded of one of the realities of a retirement community and the blessings that come to us who have resurrectional faith in Jesus Christ. We are strengthened in our hope of Resurrection for our loved ones and one day for ourselves because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and His Resurrection that we are celebrating in a unique way during the Easter season. I want to also use this column to thank all those who participate in our bereavement ministry here at Sacred Heart. This includes all those who give of their time and talent in our funeral liturgies. We are blessed to now have a Resurrection Choir to lead our singing at these Masses. Also, I thank Marilyn Burke and all those who set up and provide hospitality at our wake services and funerals. I thank our Ladies Guilds who provide a reception for families after the funeral Mass is over. Finally, I thank Ann Hooper for her ongoing efforts to reach out and help the bereaved long after our public liturgies. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.