Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
We recently concluded the annual "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity".  As we continue to pray for unity among those who proclaim Jesus as savior and Lord, we should rejoice in the many ways Christians unite in doing His work.  One ecumenical effort is "Grief Share".  It is advertised as "Your Journey from Mourning to Joy", and it provides help to believers to work through grief that comes from the death of a loved one.  There are thirteen sessions in all which involve a video and small group listening (and sharing for those who are comfortable speaking).  While I am glad Deacon John is offering a grief support group here at the parish two or three times a year (for five of six sessions), I fully support "Grief Share" and invite those who have experienced the loss of a loved one to try "Grief Share".  It begins on February 18 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Village Bible Church, 100 Ponderosa Way (just behing our church).  Registration beforehand is not necessary.  Just show up on Tuesday, February 18. For more information on "Grief Share", log on to website

Please respond to the annual Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) which begins this weekend.  While we easily reached and surpassed our goal of $58,323 last year, only 293 individuals or families from our parish gave something to this appeal. While I hope The Lord can count on those who gave in the last to be as generous this year, I pray that The Lord will touch more of your hearts and lead you to give some financial gift to benefit countless people throughout our diocese who benefit from the support that CASA provides to them.
As I prepare to go to Little Rock for my Uncle Paul's Mass of Resurrection, I ponder the last 10 plus months that he has been living in Hot Springs since his forced move there due to declining health.  There have certainly been hard times for him and challenging times for those who cared for him and who tried to encourage his spirits in spite of the deterioration of his mind and body.  

I choose to dwell on these and many other blessings that have come from this experience.  They include the wonderful people who cared for him and who care for others who are in a similar situation.  Those who offer care to those in assisted living and nursing home facilities with love every day, are to be commended and need our prayers for patience and understanding.  I thank the Lord as well, for being able to minister to my uncle and be with him for 10 consecutive months, though they were (due to his health) unlike the three months at a time that I used to see him when he made an annual visit to Arkansas from Tokyo.  I thank the Lord for his dear wife Toshiko who was at his side almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week, caring for  his needs.  I thank the Lord, especially due to the parish I'm now in with many instances of declining health, to have had this experience of traveling this journey with my uncle.

Hopefully in the future, it will inspire me to be empathetic to those who are going through a similar journey with their loved one. Finally (and probably not finally, as I'm sure more blessings will come to mind), I thank the Lord for those who interceded for my uncle in their prayers the last 10 months.  I'm continually finding reasons to rejoice in a congregation that is so full of love and mercy of God.  GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.
Now that we are already past the halfway point of the first month of the new calendar year, I am looking ahead to February and in this pastor's column, asking you to do the same and to mark down some important dates.

Firstly, on February 10, 11, 12 and 13, we will have a parish mission led by Deacon Glenn Harmon and his wife, Linda, whose ministry is based in California.  The title of the mission is "The Road to Emmaus".

Deacon Glenn will preach at all the masses the weekend before the mission to encourage your participation.  He has been preaching missions all over the United States for many years and is in high demand.  Please make plans to join us for this spiritually-uplifting experience.

Secondly, we are blessed to have our bishop, Anthony Taylor, coming to us on Saturday, February 15 (at the 4:00 p.m. Mass) to have a special blessing for couples who have recently celebrated or who are, this year, celebrating their Silver Wedding Anniversary, as well as those who have been married 50, or more, years.  A reception will follow in the parish hall, and more details will follow as we get closer to the event.

Finally, before we get too far away from the Christmas season, I want to say THANK YOU to all those who remembered me at Christmas with cards, gifts, Masses and goodies to eat.  God bless you for your thoughtfulness to me AND your generosity to the Clergy Welfare Christmas Collection which brought in $17,209 from our generous parishioners.