Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The weekend after a judge in Little Rock gave the green light for same sex couples to legally be married in the eyes of the State, I included a petition in the Prayer of the Faithful which asked Almighty God to strengthen all husbands and wives in their calling to make their marriages loving and life-giving.  The following weekend, Catholics in Arkansas received (through a bulletin insert) a teaching from the bishop, Anthony Taylor, which reaffirmed the reality of marriage as being established by God for a unitive AND procreative purpose.  He also spoke of the need to condemn the sin, but not the sinner, as we seek to reach out always with compassion, mercy and love to everyone, saint and sinner alike, as we know God always does to us in our sinfulness.  I invite you to read the rest of what Bishop Taylor said, and use this current news story to strengthen yourself in standing always for marriage as being a loving, life-giving union between a husband and wife.  Refrain, as well, from an tendency to condemn anyone over their actions, and pray that our society as a whole will promote what is truly good and right in the eyes of God.
I am continually amazed at the quality of the reading material that is found in the weekly Catholic newspaper, the Arkansas Catholic.  This past week, they devoted a whole page on a chart that described the different steps a man can take on the road to the priesthood.  Depending on the level of academic achievement and other factors, these men may face a longer or shorter journey to the priesthood.  Among other things, this chart shows just how complex and thorough a man's formation is on the way to ordination. Then, of course, comes the transition into the active ministry as a priest.

Please keep in your prayers Father Juan Guido, Father Robert Cigainero, and Father Rick Hoggs as they begin their new life as an ordained priest of God for the Diocese of Little Rock.  In some ways a priest's first year, or years, is like a new seminary experience that requires patience on the part of the new priest and the people he is called to serve.  May the Lord bless these men and all those He has called to serve him in full-time ministry.
 There are a number of thanks and congratulations that are in order, starting with the Triduum liturgies which so many helped to make beautiful and memorable.  I thank all who practiced and prepared for these liturgies, including our lectors, altar servers, ushers and of course, our combined choir under the direction of our talented organist Lynne Border.  I also appreciate Howard Shaffer for his clean-up efforts before and after our liturgies, Dave Witchger who prepared the Easter Fire, and Mary Lou George and all her helpers who made the Holy Thursday dinner a great gathering and meal.  I never take for granted our deacons who participated in the Triduum,especially Deacon Larry, Deacon John, and on Easter Sunday, Deacon Bill.  Finally, thank you to Carol Cruz and her decorating crew who made our altar area so attractive with the flowers and the beautiful gold drapery.

Congratulations to Caroline Eisenhauer and Jonathan Semmler who were named to the Youth Advisory Council for our Diocesan Youth Ministry.  To have two from one parish selected to help put on statewide High School and Junior High activities is tremendous and speaks of the character, enthusiasm and talent of these two exceptional people.  It also says a great deal, positively, about their parents, Ike and Sonja Eisenhauer and Mike and Susan Semmler who are the first teachers of their children in the ways of faith.

Finally, a Happy Mothers Day to all our mothers in the congregation.  I feel truly blessed to still have my mother and be close enough to celebrate Mothers Day with her.