I am continually amazed at the quality of the reading material that is found in the weekly Catholic newspaper, the Arkansas Catholic. This past week, they devoted a whole page on a chart that described the different steps a man can take on the road to the priesthood. Depending on the level of academic achievement and other factors, these men may face a longer or shorter journey to the priesthood. Among other things, this chart shows just how complex and thorough a man's formation is on the way to ordination. Then, of course, comes the transition into the active ministry as a priest.
Please keep in your prayers Father Juan Guido, Father Robert Cigainero, and Father Rick Hoggs as they begin their new life as an ordained priest of God for the Diocese of Little Rock. In some ways a priest's first year, or years, is like a new seminary experience that requires patience on the part of the new priest and the people he is called to serve. May the Lord bless these men and all those He has called to serve him in full-time ministry.
Please keep in your prayers Father Juan Guido, Father Robert Cigainero, and Father Rick Hoggs as they begin their new life as an ordained priest of God for the Diocese of Little Rock. In some ways a priest's first year, or years, is like a new seminary experience that requires patience on the part of the new priest and the people he is called to serve. May the Lord bless these men and all those He has called to serve him in full-time ministry.