Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
For the many people I have encountered since I have lived in Hot Springs Village, it is clear to many that there are a fair number of Village residents who were Catholic and are currently not practicing the Catholic faith.  Some have joined other faith communities and seem content.  Others are not going to any church right now.  Some are waiting for an invitation or word of encouragement from a practicing Catholic to take the first step that would hopefully bring them back to the practice of the Catholic faith.  Right now, especially, I urge yo to invite someone to look into coming back.  Our "Welcoming Catholics Home" program, that is headed up by Ed Cudworth with help from Janet Krough, will be starting at the end of the month (October 29) and will go on for four weeks.  Give Ed a call if you have any questions about the program or give his number, 915-9122, to someone who you believe might consider taking the first step.