"They're dropping like flies." This is a saying that one must be careful uttering especially at Hot Springs Village. Perhaps it would be appropriate to say "they are dropping OUT like flies" to describe some departures from ministries and activities here in the parish in recent times.
Roger Bresnahan, who recently died in Texas, had to drop out quite awhile back from leadership in the Friday morning prayer group, as coordinator of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, and in leading the Men's Club monthly prayer service due to the cancer that ultimately took his life. Fortunatedly, others have stepped forward and those activities continue.
Also recently, Paula Doyle has stepped away from the coordinator position of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration here at Sacred Heart Church (which she admirable and competently took over from Roger Bresnahan when he got sick). Fortunately, Mike Kerwin has agreed to be our new coordinator, and I know he will do a good job in this important ministry.
Now recently, I have received an e-mail letter from Ann Hooper saying that she has decided after 18 years that it's time for her to turn over leadership of our Sacred Heart Singles to someone else. Firstly, let me publicly say THANK YOU to Ann for her dedication to his ministry to our singles (which in our parish means mostly widows and widowers). Ann (and her helpers over the years) has provided many opportunities and venues for our "singles" to gather for fellowship in a group in which they share, no doubt, much in common, especially the fact that they are living without a spouse.
At this point, I would like to put out a plea for someone to step forward to take the reigns of our singles group. This doesn't have to be only one person, We can have coordinators, if that works best. While the singles normally have had one activity per month, certainly there is room for discussion with the current members and thoughts for a new coordinator on what to do and when and where to do it. Given the reality that we have more than a few in the parish who become single every year due to the death of their spouse, I believbe future efforts will be a blessing to them and to our parish as these people get together for fun, for prayer and maybe for other kind s of activities. I will begin praying that someone or a few people will step forward to take on this important position or that if asked to do so, they will say yes. I believe that God always provides for our needs individually and as a parish community as we seek always to grow in His grace and love. Please call me at 209-2502 if you are interested.
Roger Bresnahan, who recently died in Texas, had to drop out quite awhile back from leadership in the Friday morning prayer group, as coordinator of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, and in leading the Men's Club monthly prayer service due to the cancer that ultimately took his life. Fortunatedly, others have stepped forward and those activities continue.
Also recently, Paula Doyle has stepped away from the coordinator position of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration here at Sacred Heart Church (which she admirable and competently took over from Roger Bresnahan when he got sick). Fortunately, Mike Kerwin has agreed to be our new coordinator, and I know he will do a good job in this important ministry.
Now recently, I have received an e-mail letter from Ann Hooper saying that she has decided after 18 years that it's time for her to turn over leadership of our Sacred Heart Singles to someone else. Firstly, let me publicly say THANK YOU to Ann for her dedication to his ministry to our singles (which in our parish means mostly widows and widowers). Ann (and her helpers over the years) has provided many opportunities and venues for our "singles" to gather for fellowship in a group in which they share, no doubt, much in common, especially the fact that they are living without a spouse.
At this point, I would like to put out a plea for someone to step forward to take the reigns of our singles group. This doesn't have to be only one person, We can have coordinators, if that works best. While the singles normally have had one activity per month, certainly there is room for discussion with the current members and thoughts for a new coordinator on what to do and when and where to do it. Given the reality that we have more than a few in the parish who become single every year due to the death of their spouse, I believbe future efforts will be a blessing to them and to our parish as these people get together for fun, for prayer and maybe for other kind s of activities. I will begin praying that someone or a few people will step forward to take on this important position or that if asked to do so, they will say yes. I believe that God always provides for our needs individually and as a parish community as we seek always to grow in His grace and love. Please call me at 209-2502 if you are interested.
It is sneaking up on us this year!! I'm talking about the annual Mass and March for Life in Little Rock next Sunday, January 17. The timing of this activity is always the weekend before or after the anniversary of Roe v Wade Supreme Court ruling which permitted abortion to happen legally in our country. Each year I feel I am a "cry in the wilderness" as I encourage us to go to Little Rock to participate in the Mass (at 12:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Andrew) and/or the March (at 2:00 p.m. starting at West Capitol and Battery Streets).
I realize that no matter what I say, a relatively few of our overall parish members will choose to take the time and make the time to participate in these activities. Instead of getting frustrated by the turnout from our parishes (and honestly from all the parishes in Arkansas, even those in Little Rock), I choose firstly to rejoice in those who join me and others to march (a relatively short distance now) and stand before the state capitol to let our legislators and governor know how crucial it is for the future of our country that we protect and promote the lives of our most innocent and helpless citizens, the child in the mother's womb. Secondly, I urge those who don't go to the Mass and/or March for Life (as well as those who do), to act in this "Jubilee Year of Mercy" to support those who make the choice to bring their child into the world no matter how challenging it might be for some to care adequately for the needs of their child. That's why I thank those who brought baby items to church this weekend and to those who didn't, I implore you to do so this week, as we will leave the play pen out in the narthex for another week.
Finally, I want to thank those who have been participating in the Mass and/or March for one, a few, or many years, as we now have a state legislature and governor who have been acting lately to promote and pass laws that protect the child in the womb of the mother and encourage help for the mother in her pregnancy and after her child is born. I do urge us all to give at least a one-time or ongoing donations to Arkansas Right to Life (Post Office Box 1697, Little Rock, AR 72203) or by e-mail at artl.org. Arkansas Right to Life's primary purpose is to educate people about the precious gift of human life that develops in a mother's womb and advocate in the legislature for laws that protect the right of children in a mother's womb to live and not be aborted. I am confident that many people of faith here and elsewhere will pray and act to care for and promote the life of the unborn child in ways availale to them throughout the year as witnesses to Jesus Christ who said "I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly." (Jn 10:10)
I realize that no matter what I say, a relatively few of our overall parish members will choose to take the time and make the time to participate in these activities. Instead of getting frustrated by the turnout from our parishes (and honestly from all the parishes in Arkansas, even those in Little Rock), I choose firstly to rejoice in those who join me and others to march (a relatively short distance now) and stand before the state capitol to let our legislators and governor know how crucial it is for the future of our country that we protect and promote the lives of our most innocent and helpless citizens, the child in the mother's womb. Secondly, I urge those who don't go to the Mass and/or March for Life (as well as those who do), to act in this "Jubilee Year of Mercy" to support those who make the choice to bring their child into the world no matter how challenging it might be for some to care adequately for the needs of their child. That's why I thank those who brought baby items to church this weekend and to those who didn't, I implore you to do so this week, as we will leave the play pen out in the narthex for another week.
Finally, I want to thank those who have been participating in the Mass and/or March for one, a few, or many years, as we now have a state legislature and governor who have been acting lately to promote and pass laws that protect the child in the womb of the mother and encourage help for the mother in her pregnancy and after her child is born. I do urge us all to give at least a one-time or ongoing donations to Arkansas Right to Life (Post Office Box 1697, Little Rock, AR 72203) or by e-mail at artl.org. Arkansas Right to Life's primary purpose is to educate people about the precious gift of human life that develops in a mother's womb and advocate in the legislature for laws that protect the right of children in a mother's womb to live and not be aborted. I am confident that many people of faith here and elsewhere will pray and act to care for and promote the life of the unborn child in ways availale to them throughout the year as witnesses to Jesus Christ who said "I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly." (Jn 10:10)
All of us can hopefully look back on the year 2015 and count many blessings in our lives, especially those which come as a result of our consciously and faithfully following the way of the Lord and seeking to grow close to Him. What does the Year 2016 hold out for us? That remains to be seen and, hopefully, it will be handled with the Lord ever at our side, guiding our thoughts, words and deeds.
As I reflect on many blessings for me and for this wonderful parish in 2015, I also recall that we've lost at least 39 people in our parish to death. Little did they know as the year 2015 dawned, that it would be their last month or months on earth.
In light of the reality of this parish - that we will have our share of deaths and funerals, I want to urge everyone to consider coming up with details of your final wishes before you leave this world, including your desire for funeral rites. You can meet with me, Deacon John or Deacon Larry, and talk about options and choices you have that will not only express what YOU want to happen (including the interment of your body or cremains) but also take sometimes difficult and contentious decisions out of the hands of your spouse or children. We will keep a written record of your decisions and desire here, and encourage you to give a copy to a family member(s). It might be a challenging thing for some of us to do as we face our mortality, but the blessings will come for your family, especially when they know you loved them enough to do this. My phone number and that of our two deacons I mentioned, are on the front of the bulletin.
As I reflect on many blessings for me and for this wonderful parish in 2015, I also recall that we've lost at least 39 people in our parish to death. Little did they know as the year 2015 dawned, that it would be their last month or months on earth.
In light of the reality of this parish - that we will have our share of deaths and funerals, I want to urge everyone to consider coming up with details of your final wishes before you leave this world, including your desire for funeral rites. You can meet with me, Deacon John or Deacon Larry, and talk about options and choices you have that will not only express what YOU want to happen (including the interment of your body or cremains) but also take sometimes difficult and contentious decisions out of the hands of your spouse or children. We will keep a written record of your decisions and desire here, and encourage you to give a copy to a family member(s). It might be a challenging thing for some of us to do as we face our mortality, but the blessings will come for your family, especially when they know you loved them enough to do this. My phone number and that of our two deacons I mentioned, are on the front of the bulletin.