Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Last night as I watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas" which was being celebrated for the 50th anniversary of its initial showing, I marveled not only about its simple message of "what Christmas is all about," the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, but also of its emphasis on the temptation to focus attention on the "commercialism" and "materialism" of the season.  In some way, one could argue that this beloved animated Christmas Special was prophetic in pointing out this temptation 50 years ago, and sadly we see it clearly and strongly happening in the times in which we are living.  Earlier and earlier it seems each year we are inundated with commercials that urge us to get into the spirit of the Christmas season by buying and buying more things.

In some definite ways, the Catholic Church tries to send a very different message by proclaiming this time of the year, ADVENT (not Christmas) and urging us to make this a time of purposeful preparation for the coming of the Lord.  At Sacred Heart Church, we are doing this early in the season in a strong way by offering a parish Advent mission this coming week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (December 7-9) given by Father Ron Hoye, a Vincentian priest from Missouri who offers missions all over the country throughout the year.  PLEASE allow the Lord to touch your mind and heart in a significant way by attending this mission.  Besides coming each day for the 9:00 a.m. Mass followed by Father Ron's talk (around 9:45 a.m.) or choosing to come in the evening for the same talk at 7:00 p.m. (except Tuesday when we offer the Holyday of Obligation Mass of the Immaculate Conception of Mary at 6:00 p.m., followed by Father Ron's talk), we will offer the Sacrament of Reconcilation after each talk with Father Hoye, myself, and at times, Father Mike Hinken - making ourselves available to offer God's mercy an hope through this healing, strengthening sacrament.

WHAT A GREAT WAY to begin the Jubilee Year of Mercy, than with a parish mission, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and opportunities early in the Advent season to be reconciled to the Lord and the Church!!!! Rather than being overwhelmed by the commercialism of the season, we can be overwhelmed by the Lord, which I hope we will find to be a great blessing for us and others that we encourage to participate.  COME LORD JESUS!!!!!