Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
All of us can hopefully look back on the year 2015 and count many blessings in our lives, especially those which come as a result of our consciously and faithfully following the way of the Lord and seeking to grow close to Him.  What does the Year 2016 hold out for us?  That remains to be seen and, hopefully, it will be handled with the Lord ever at our side, guiding our thoughts, words and deeds.

As I reflect on many blessings for me and for this wonderful parish in 2015, I also recall that we've lost at least 39 people in our parish to death.  Little did they know as the year 2015 dawned, that it would be their last month or months on earth.

In light of the reality of this parish - that we will have our share of deaths and funerals, I want to urge everyone to consider coming up with details of your final wishes before you leave this world, including your desire for funeral rites. You can meet with me, Deacon John or Deacon Larry, and talk about options and choices you have that will not only express what YOU want to happen (including the interment of your body or cremains) but also take sometimes difficult and contentious decisions out of the hands of your spouse or children.  We will keep a written record of your decisions and desire here, and encourage you to give a copy to a family member(s).  It might be a challenging thing for some of us to do as we face our mortality, but the blessings will come for your family, especially when they know you loved them enough to do this.  My phone number and that of our two deacons I mentioned, are on the front of the bulletin.