Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I recognize and feel blessed to be in a parish that has so many activities and ministries that are offered to its people. While I see the whole picture from what goes on in the areas of liturgy, education, social justice and charitable outreach and parish life, I'm pretty sure that many of our parishioners are lacking in knowledge and appreciation and participation in some or all of these arenas that help make our parish such a good place to spend one's time, share one's talents, and grow in God's grace, love and peace.  Over the next few pastor's columns, I will speak on each of these, and invite your reflection and participation, especially those who are not active beyond coming to Mass on the weekend.

I believe I'll start with liturgy, since most, if not all who are reading my pastor's column, are coming to Mass on the weekend here and see our liturgies (at least Mass) as they are offered.  Mass is obviously not just what the priest does in leading the congregation in prayer and reflection of God's Word to us.  It is also the efforts of the deacon, the music ministry, the lectors (who proclaim the Word), the extraordinary ministers of Communion, the ushers, the altar servers and the sacristans (who work behind the scenes), and the gift bearers, that makes our liturgies flow and go.  While I am so very grateful for those who are currently serving in these various roles for Mass especially those who have been doing it a long time, I recognize that we have many more who have the gifts and the physical ability to do at least one of these ministries and for various reasons are not.  Besides the ushers, music ministers and deacons who are "serving" in their ministries every weekend, the other ministry positions are rotated, so one is not committed to it every weekend.  I don't believe it's firstly and only if we have "enough" people to serve in these ministries, but rather it's the fact that we are all called through our baptismal commitment to active participation in the Mass with our minds, hearts and voices AND there is a ministry that is there for most of us to do.  Admittedly, and not surprising, is the fact that some of our loyal lay ministers at Mass are getting up in years and will not be able at some point to continue doing the ministry.  The Church, in fact, only commissions extraordinary ministers of Communion for three years at a time, in part, because it desires more people to join in this ministry and no one (besides the priest and deacon) to see their ministry as a lifelong commitment.  PLEASE consider one of the liturgical ministries I have mentioned here and know that you will be properly prepared to carry on your ministry.  For those who have never done a liturgical ministry, I say "jumping" in the waters of serving God is wonderful!

Call Lynne Border, Music, at 231-881-4472, Mike Garstecki, Lectors, at 922-1015, Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, at 922-3283, Ray Bertrand, Altar Servers, at 922-9339, Carol Cruz, Sacristans, at 922-1428, or Marcie MargelGift Bearers, at 922-9366.
The feast of the Epiphany, which we recently celebrated, speaks strongly of the fact that Jesus, the Son of God came into the world, not just for the good and the salvation of the people of Israel, but for all people (who are represented by the Gentle Magi who visited him and brought him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh).  His vision and outreach was indeed far and wide, and that of us, his disciples, should be the same.  This coming week, our country celebrates the birthday of the great civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr.  His vision was certainly broad as he sought to bring greater respect and opportunity to people of all colors. His tireless efforts and those of others in his day and all the way to the present, has brought many blessings through changes in laws and more importantly changes of minds and hearts to recognize that all people are made in God's image and likeness and should receive respect, love and mercy from each other.  This Tuesday (January 18) begins the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  While the efforts to come together to do the work of the Lord as his followers continues, we should pray in a special way this week and on an ongoing basis for greater unity of belief and practice in all those who acknowledge and worship Jesus as the Savior of the world and as God present among us.  More than a few of our parishioners belong and are active in civic organizations in the Village that meet for fellowship and that do wonderful things for others.  I applaud those who do so, and encourage them to invite some of their fellow parishioners to join as well.  In these instances, we have people, many of who are active Christians doing the work of the Lord together especially in caring for our youth, the poor, and others in need.  God bless all these efforts and all who participate in them.  Let us pray that all of us in the new calendar year will have a love that is broad and reaches out and cooperates with our fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord and others, just as Jesus himself did.
When people have bought gifts for loved ones and friends for Christmas, I'm sure more than a few wonder, either before or after the person receives and opens the gift, if the person will like the gift  received and/or if the person will use the gift or store it away or give it away to someone else.  Such "wondering" shoud not happen with those who give gifts for our "Baby Shower" to support new moms who don't have the means to buy what is needed for their newborn child and who are helped by the pregnancy support centers in our area.  I KNOW they will appreciate and use every gift that is given to them and thank God that there are people who are about them and about their child.  Please, if you didn't bring a gift this weekend and put it in the playpen in the narthex, know that you have through next weekend to buy gifts for newborn children and make a mother or mothers "very happy." Look in this bulletin for the Parish Baby Shower notice for a listing of things you can buy and bring to the church.  What a great way to begin the new year, by being charitable and thoughtful towards a newborn child in need!