Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
When people have bought gifts for loved ones and friends for Christmas, I'm sure more than a few wonder, either before or after the person receives and opens the gift, if the person will like the gift  received and/or if the person will use the gift or store it away or give it away to someone else.  Such "wondering" shoud not happen with those who give gifts for our "Baby Shower" to support new moms who don't have the means to buy what is needed for their newborn child and who are helped by the pregnancy support centers in our area.  I KNOW they will appreciate and use every gift that is given to them and thank God that there are people who are about them and about their child.  Please, if you didn't bring a gift this weekend and put it in the playpen in the narthex, know that you have through next weekend to buy gifts for newborn children and make a mother or mothers "very happy." Look in this bulletin for the Parish Baby Shower notice for a listing of things you can buy and bring to the church.  What a great way to begin the new year, by being charitable and thoughtful towards a newborn child in need!