Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Parish LifeDid Parish Life weekend spark an interest in:  Ping Pong, Singles Ministry, Hand n' Foot card club?  I hope for a "Yes" especially in leadership of one of these fine groups.

Please note the following dates and times for an "interest" meeting to create fun and fellowship.

Hand n' Foot Tuesday, September 19
Sandwich Bar served - Upper Hall
12:00 p.m.
Singles Ministry Tuesday, September 19
Pizza served - Upper Hall
6:00 p.m.

If attending any of the above meetings, please reply to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 908-938-5545 so an accurate amount of food can be prepared.  Hope to see you!
Blood DriveThe next Blood Drive sponsored by the Knights of Columbus will be held at the Village United Methodist Church at 200 Carmona Road from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 12. Previous donors at thie site with e-mail addresses will be sent an e-mail reminder.  Go to for detailed information and schedule an appointment. Contact Bill Taylor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or call 501-922-0959 with questions or to schedule an appointment. You can also ask to be placed on the e-mail list. Hope you can help us by donating blood on September 12.
religious education clip artReligious Education for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5 begins on Sunday, September 10, at 8:50 a.m.  Junior and Senior High School students begin classes on Wednesday, September 13, at 6:00 p.m.  Our Kick-Off Celebration will be held at Cortez Pavilion at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 10.  Please contact Rose Harrigan at 5011-915-0314 or 501-664-0125 for more information.
Cowboy Girl 1Dates for the parish Dinner Theater are Friday, September 15th at 5:30 p.m., Saturday, September 16th at 6:30 p.m., and Sunday, September 17, a Matinee at 2:00 p.m. Tickets will be on sale before and after Masses September 2/3. Seating will be asigned at time of ticket purchase.  Remember, this venue is open to friends and family so don't be shy in getting a table (eight seats) or two, for your group.

Beef brisket and the fixin's will be served at the Firday and Saturday night performances. "Snacks Only" will be served at the Matinee.  The Refreshment Center will be open.

We will also have a "Best Dressed - Western Wear contest.  A gift certificate will be awarded the person or couple who best represents the venue.  Remember, Mossy Bottom, Texas!  We invite our audience to be creative and have fun with the evening's wear.  No problem if you don't don the regalia - come as you are!
2017 LOSH
(L-R)Marty Schnoebelen, new president; Pam Van Winckle, last year's guest speaker; Mary Lou George, outgoing president
Yes, Ladies of the Sacred Heart, it is almost time for our first meeting of the year! We will get together and socialize on Monday, September 11, 2017. We will have no formal program, but instead, we'll get caught-up with each other on our "summer activites." We always decorate the tables, and we donate all those new school supplies.  So, please don't forget to bring your donations.

I would like to highlight a Guild each month in the bulletin, so prospective members get to read all the activities we are involved with. Of course, I will start at the beginning with Guild 1, St. Monica.  Guild members volunteer at the HSV loan Closet on the third and fifth Mondays of the month, provide Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and summer food baskets for Mission Outreach, support one family with transportation as needed, volunteer at the Jackson House, and take our rotations hosting funeral receptions.  We also prepare and donate baked goods, our time and talent, for Ladies of the Sacred Heart projects and various other parish fundraisers and events.  But it's not all work - we attend Mass together on the Feast of St. Monica and then share a meal.  We have luncheons with our fellow sisters several times each year, and hold at least one social activity yearly which includes spouses.

See you Septeber 11.  Can't wait to hear about your summer!
2017 golfclassiclogoPlease consider playing in this enjoyable four-person scramble at beautiful Maumelle Country Club (about one hour and fifteen minute drive from the Village) on Monday, September 25.  The beneficiary is Catholic Charities of Arkansas which serves the poor and needy in our state.  Choose between an 8:00 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. tee time.  Get a team of fellow parishioners together, or sign up as a single, and we'll try to get you on a team. The cost is $75.00 a person and includes a Continental Breakfast and Lunch (for the 8:00 a.m. players) and a lunch and dinner (for the 1:30 p.m. players).  Gift certificates for various amounts of money - to be used for merchandise in the pro shop, will be awarded for flights of winners in the morning and afternoon rounds.  Please call Fr. Bill at 209-2502 if you're interested in playing, and/or get registration forms in the narthex and turn in to Father Bill as soon as possible as there's a limited number of spaces available for each tee time.
2017 LOSH members attended Subiaco Retreat
Front row: Jean Eatinger, Sheila Harrison; 2nd row: Linney Rohrer, Pat Billings, Elsa Naeger; 3rd row: Ann Kertgen, Ruth McGinley, Jane Kearby; Back row: Fr. John Miranda, Diocesan priest
Pat Billings, Jean Eatinger, Sheila Harrison, Jane Kearby, Ann Kertgen, Linney Rohrer, Ruth McGinley and Elsa Naeger attended the Women's Retreat held at Subiaco Abbey on August 18 through the 20th.  The theme of the retreat was "Alone, but never Lonely" dealing with our personal encounters with God.  The retreat was conducted by Reverend John Miranda, a diocesan priest.  There were four presentations throughout the week-end on various aspects of prayer and listening for the still small voice of God.  Father Miranda commented that Americans are very poor listeners.  We must practice to be able to hear God above the distractions of life today.  All the women found the week-end away from their normal routine very helpful in turning their thoughts to God.

Next year's women's retreat will be August 17, 18 and 19 at Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, Arkansas.  We hope more women wil take advantage of this opportunity for spiritual enrichment.

Father Bill and Friends at Sacred Heart,

Our family has been most helpful to us in making the adjustment of moving from one state to another.

Our friends at Sacred heart have given us so many happy memories such as our going-away party. We are so appreciative of all the work that went into it, including the choir singing "Our Chicago-Our Bernie."  We admire the beautiful plaque of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, the lovely shawls from the Ladies of the Sacred Heart, the generous gift from the Men's Club, the memory plaque from the Knights of Columbus, the Mass Intentions, and the many cards and gifts from all our friends of Sacred Heart.

We miss our Sunday prayer group and Rosary, but can still attend daily Mass.  Our thanks to each of you that made our ministry and social life so meaningful.  We will continue to pray that Our Lord will bless each of you.

Please keep in touch. 

Deacon Bernie and Marilyn Bauer

Deacon Bernie and Marilyn Bauer
894 Munroe Circle S
Des Plaines, IL  60016
4 month fetusAt four months, your baby's heartbeat may now be audible through an instrument called a doppler.  The fingers and toes are well-defined.  Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails and hair are formed.  Your baby an even suck his or her thumb, yawn, stretch and make faces.  The reproductive organs and genitalia are now fully developed, and the doctor can see on ultrasound if you are having a boy or girl.  Please continue to pray for your spiritually-adopted baby and her mother.
shawl ministryOur meeting for the fall season will be held on September 5 at 1:00 p.m. in the A & E Building for our Shawl Ministry.  We meet the first Tuesday of each month.  All are welcome to join.  We make shawls for anyone who is ill, old, cold or in need of spiritual comfort, and we ask Father Bill to bless each of the shawls.  Many have told us how comforting the shawls have become to them.  We usually distribute shawls on the second Monday of each month, but anytime one is needed, please call Dee Kapple at 915-9331 or Tillie Tylka at 922-4190, and we will be glad to see that you get one.  For more information, please call either one of us.
Spaghetti DinnerWHO:  You're invited and encouraged to attend.  This is a wonderful opportunity to help your needy neighbors while enjoying a fine dinner with your parish brothers and sisters - invite your neighbors and friends, too.

WHAT:  A delicious Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Dinner served family-style, with salad, pasta, marinara-base meat sauce, garlic bread and dessert.  The donation refreshment center will also offer wines, brews, sodas and other adult refreshments.

WHEN:  Evening on September 2 at 6:00 p.m. after the 5:00 p.m. Mass.

WHERE:  The Sacred Heart of Jesus Lower Hall.

WHY:  One hundred percent (100%) of ticket proceeds will go to charitable community outreach.  The dinner costs for the meal will be underwritten by Bob and Mary Anne Honzik and James Anderson.

TICKETS:  Get your tickets on either the weekend of August 19 and August 26, before and after all Masses.  Tickets sell for only $8.00 each.  Just 200 tickets available - so plan ahead!
2014 Jackson HouseThanks to all who are donating to Jackson House Food collection. The monetary donations have been outstanding with over $8,000 donated so far this year! However, the weekly food donations have progressively declined.  To quote Janie Smith, Jackson House Director, "The donations of food that you send enables us to provide a great variety of food for people we distribute to. Without those donations, our food would always be the same each time."  Items that are in short supply include cereal, peanut butter, soups, rice, beans and mac-n-cheese.  Our donations are very important to Jackson House operations.

The demand for help at Jackson House is greater now that it's ever been. They've essentially expended all the monetary resources they have for helping families with extraordinary expenses for such things as rent, utilities, gas, prescriptions, etc.  Please continue to be generous.  This is a very fine organization that is a primary source of help for needy families.
2017 St. Francis Home LRSt. Francis Home for Homeless Veterans needs clothing for all ages and sizes.  Household goods are also welcome. Please leave any items you have in the front, double-door closet near the main entrance to the church. Please mark clearly "ST. FRANCIS HOME" so that donated items can be transported as needed.  Thank you for thinking of the needs of St. Francis Home in Little Rock.

If you are not physically able to bring your clothing or household items to the church, please call parishioner Lew Ake at 922-5714, and he will arrange to have your items picked-up and delivered.
griefHave you said to yourself, or others, "I'm doing pretty well, I think.  Learning how to adjust." Good.  But you might help others who have suffered the loss of a loved one by just sharing what worked for you and what you still struggle with. And they can help you by sharing their experiences.  There is a safe place for just that!  We will begin another Grief Support Group here at Sacred Heart.  The group will meet in Classroom B on Thursday mornings, at 10:00 a.m. beginning on August 17th.  There will be 6 weekly sessions facilitated by Deacon John.  Each session will last one and a half hours.  If you know someone that could benefit from these sessions, anyone, they don't have to be a parishioner, invite them to attend.  The size of the group is limited so if you wish to attend, please make a reservation by calling Deacon John at 226-9035 or emailing him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
CatechistReturning, new and interested catechists are invited to an important meeting to be held on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in Classroom A.  The new Safe Environment program, Connect M, will be introduced.  Everyone is required to participate in the new program since it replaes Virtus.  It is simple and easy to use.  Bring any questions you may have.  Bring calendars since important dates will be discussed.  If you cannot attend, please contact Rose Harrigan at 501-915-0314, evenings or 501-664-0125 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday between 8:20 and 3:30 p.m.