Thank you to all the parishioners who made a commitment to participate in the ADOPT A BABY PROGRAM. Parishioners who have not already done so, still have an opportunity to "spiritually" adopt a child who is newly-conceived this month. You see, not all newly-conceived babies are allowed to be born. In fact, almost 4000 babies lose their lives to abortion each day. It is these babies, who are in danger of having their lives ended before birth, that you are being asked to "adopt".
The "spiritual adoption" commitment cards are on the display table located in the narthex, and will be available through the end of April. You will be asked to name the child for whom you will be praying, thereby giving the child the humanity he or she deserves. Please take a card home, and pray a short prayer each day for the next nine months.
You will receive monthly reports in the bulletin describing your baby's development, and your child will be born in January, 2014. At that time we will have a baby shower and all Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners will be invited to bring gifts, which will be donated to local Pregnancy Centers. Call Mary Ellen Costello at 922-3915 for more information.
The "spiritual adoption" commitment cards are on the display table located in the narthex, and will be available through the end of April. You will be asked to name the child for whom you will be praying, thereby giving the child the humanity he or she deserves. Please take a card home, and pray a short prayer each day for the next nine months.
You will receive monthly reports in the bulletin describing your baby's development, and your child will be born in January, 2014. At that time we will have a baby shower and all Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners will be invited to bring gifts, which will be donated to local Pregnancy Centers. Call Mary Ellen Costello at 922-3915 for more information.